田振榮洪銓修Chen-Jung TienChuan-Hsiu Hung李金玲Chin-Ling Lee2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0089070004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98504技職體系學生英文基礎能力普遍不紮實、學習意願不高且學習效果不理想,亟需提升改進;再加上國內英語教學起始學齡層不一,學生同儕、同班之間的英語能力將愈形懸殊,以及大班教學不易,導致台灣英語教學成效不彰。本研究旨在應用智慧型語言專長能力分組教學策略,藉以強化英語合作學習之教學成效,提升技專校院英語教學成果。 主要研究方法為不等組前後測設計之準實驗研究,以傳統分組法和智慧型分組法進行控制組和實驗組之分組工作,進而分析不同分組方式對學生在英語合作學習的學習成就、學習動機、外語教室學習焦慮和學習型態偏好認知上的差異,並探討分組方法對英語合作學習的影響以及合作學習對國內技專校院的英語教學成效。再則輔以質性研究的俗民誌研究方法,來探討台灣技專校院學生,對英語合作學習及其分組方式的看法及觀點。研究結果發現進一步建構成一個觀點理論模式作為研究不同分組方式之英語合作學習團隊互動行為的基礎,此一理論模式(theoretical model),稱為「技專校院外語學生對英語合作學習的誘因觀點」。 本研究主要發現茲陳述如下: 一、「同質英語能力分組」學生的英語學習成就顯著高於「異質英語能力分組」學生。 二、「同質英語能力分組」學生在「外語教室焦慮量表」之「一般焦慮感」分量表和「口說英語焦慮」分量表分數之平均數上,顯著低於「異質英語能力分組」學生。 三、「同質英語能力分組」學生的英語學習動機並未顯著高於「異質英語能力分組」的學生。 四、「異質英語能力分組」學生在「學習型態喜好認知量表」之「觸覺學習型態偏好」分量表、「團體學習型態偏好」分量表和「動覺學習型態偏好」分量表分數之平均數上,顯著高於「同質英語能力分組」學生。 五、參與者於訪談中透露對「學生特質變數」、「教師角色」和「輔助學習教具」三個層面,在英語合作學習課中,依同心圓學習理論達到共生共存、交互關係的一種「誘因觀點」的綜合觀點。 六、影響參與者對英語合作學習觀點的主要因素則有:(一)動機乃英語學習的重要信念,(二)對教師協助依賴和(三) 對學習輔具之需求,乃源自傳統教室學習習慣。 七、參與者皆同意英語合作學習課提供互動式和有意義的學習環境,使他們獲益良多,但卻不能全程以英文進行溝通討論,雖達到互動學習效果,但與以英語為溝通學習的英語合作學習之教學目標明顯有落差(discrepancy)。此亦突顯國內英語教學在學生英語文溝通訓練的不足。 最後,研究者針對本研究所使用的智慧型語言專長特色分組的教學策略,在國內技專校院英語教學的應用及未來進一步研究上,提出具體建議。The existing problems about students’ apathetic attitudes to learning and unsatisfactory achievement in the EFL instruction in Vocational and Technological Education (VTE) in Taiwan have been cause for concern and widely discussed. Therefore, the research aimed to apply the intelligent English characteristics grouping strategies to reinforce the effectiveness of the cooperative English learning (CEL) and improve the English learning and teaching in the VTE. The methodology of the study utilized quasi-experimental and ethnographic approaches to conduct a four-month experimental teaching at a technological institute, separately for the collection of quantitative and qualitative data. The ethnographic interview of qualitative method was used to explore and analyze the students’ perspectives of cooperative English learning in different grouping formations. The major findings are in the following: 1. The English learning performance of the experimental class (homogeneous ability group) was significantly higher than that of the control class (heterogeneous ability group). 2. The experimental class showed significantly better effects on learning anxiety of the EFL learners in the Subscale of General Felling of Anxiety and Subscale of Fear of Potential Evaluation of Speaking in English than the control class did. 3. The experimental class showed no significantly better effects on increasing the learning motivation compared with the control class. 4. The control class showed significant effects on the conceptual learning style preferences in the subscales in terms of Tactile, Group, and Kinesthetic Learning Style Preference, compared with the experimental class. 5. According to the participants’ expression in the interview, they revealed an “incentive perspective.” This perspective contained three issues: learner trait variables, teacher role, and supportive learning aids. The coexisting interaction of these three dimensions operated in the CEL class to form a concentric ring model of learning. 6. Factors affecting the learner’s perspective of the CEL class including as follows, (1) motivation, a priori belief about English learning, (2) dependence on teacher’s help, and (3) supportive learning aids, resulted from past classroom learning habits. 7. Participants all agreed with the benefits obtained from interactive and meaningful learning in the CEL class. However, they also confessed to the failure of using English for thorough communication due to their lower English proficiency. There seems to be a conflict and discrepancy between the perception of the CEL class and its practical use. From this we may logically infer to a lack of training during learners’ English education background and experience in the past. Consequently, the research presented viable suggestions on the application of intelligent language characteristics grouping strategies for English instruction in technological institutes in Taiwan.合作學習英語教學象徵互動論類神經網路模糊理論Cooperative learningEnglish teachingsymbolic interactionismneural networksfuzzy sets分組方式在技專校院合作學習外語教學成效之研究A Study of the Effects of Group Formation on Cooperative Learning in the EFL Classroom