洪泉湖黃淑貞Huang Shu-Chen2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0590071004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88415本研究以「從市民社會的特質論社區營造-以尚德社區和進士社區鑑湖堂為例」為題,研究方法採用文獻分析法和訪談法,研究從台灣市民社會的特質論社區營造,整理分析尚德社區及進士社區鑑湖堂社區營造歷程和成果,從台灣市民社會的特質去分析社區個案的推動。 由文建會發起的「社區總體營造」運動推動已逾十年,雖歷經政權變更,仍能持續推動,顯示民眾和政府對此議題的關注和熱情不減。並對歷經十餘年的推動,做一回顧整理。宜蘭縣對於推動「社區營造」的案例、經驗很多,常獲得傳播媒體的報導,引發了解探討的動機,從台灣當代「市民社會」的特質探討的社區營造工作。 研究者寫作的重心側重西方學者對「市民社會」精神論述、訴求和主張,去探討台灣當代「市民社會」的特質。由「市民社會」的特質來瞭解宜蘭尚德社區及進士社區鑑湖堂實際社區營造運作的情況,由市民社會特質而形成五項指標,由此設計出訪談大綱,進入尚德社區及進士社區鑑湖堂,訪談專家和社區居民對加入「社區營造」工作的動機、社區營造的看法、評價和建議,呈現在台灣當代「市民社會」的特質下社區營造的歷程、成果和未來展望。 期許自己此項研究對熱心推動社區營造工作者和參與者留下辛苦耕耘的足跡,也希望從研究分析中提出社區營造工作的發現和建議,對後續改革推動者能有所助益,並為個案社區營造工作對市民社會發展的貢獻留下記錄。This research, titled “the Study of Community Construction from the Attribute of Civil Society— Using Shang-Te Community and Chien-Hu Tan of Chin-Shih Community as Case Study”, adopted the documentary analysis and the interview method as its research techniques. It studied the community construction from the attribute of Taiwanese civil society, sorted and analyzed the history and results of construction for Shang-Te Community and Chien-Hu Tan of Chin-Shih Community, and analyzed through case study of community promotion based on the attribute of Taiwanese civil society. Initiated by Council for Cultural Affair, the “Community Empowerment” movement had been promoted for more than ten years, and was sustained even after the change of political power. This revealed the continuous support and concern to the movement from the public as well as from the government. The research also looked back to those years of the movement and compiled a history record. The motivation of understanding and studying community construction from the attribute of Taiwanese modern “civil society” was due to Yilan County’s thorough experience in “Community Construction” which had received media coverage regularly. In this thesis, the researcher focused on western scholars’ essential discussions, and their demands and viewpoints of “civil society” to analyze the attribute of Taiwanese modern “civil society”. Based on the attribute of “civil society”, the research led to the understanding of the operation of Shang-Te Community and Chien-Hu Tan of Chin-Shih Community. The researcher drew up five indicators according to the attribute of civil society and designed the interview outline. The researcher then conducted interviews with experts and community residents inside the Shang-Te Community and Chien-Hu Tan of Chin-Shih Community. The interview topics include the motivation to participate in “community construction”, viewpoints, comments and suggestions of community construction, the progress, results and expectation of community construction with the attribute of Taiwanese modern citizen society.市民社會社區總體營造社區營造civil societycommunity empowermentcommunity construction從市民社會的特質論社區營造-以尚德社區和進士社區鑑湖堂為例The Study of Community Construction from the Attribute of Civil Society— Using Shang-Te Community and Chien-Hu Tan of Chin-Shih Community as Case Study