胡心慈紀雅馨CHI, Ya-Hsin2019-08-282011-3-12019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597091203%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91704本研究旨在調查國民中學(含完全中學國中部)身心障礙資源班召集人/資源班導師角色的現況,瞭解角色實踐與角色期望的情形,並進一步探討角色差距及因應策略。以98學年度臺灣北部七縣市國民中學的資源班召集人/資源班導師及其角色夥伴(特教組長與資源班教師)為研究對象,採用自編的「國民中學身心障礙資源班召集人/資源班導師角色調查問卷」進行普查,有效問卷228份,問卷可用率達97.85 %。以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差等統計方法進行資料處理。所得結果略述如下: 一、資源班召集人/資源班導師主要負責資源班「課務管理」與「班務執行」的業務,並與特教組長共同規劃「行政統籌」與「鑑安輔」的業務。 二、資源班召集人/資源班導師與角色夥伴對該職務的角色期望程度,整體而言有共識,但在各層面與各題項仍存在差異。 三、有超過半數的資源班召集人/資源班導師自覺在角色實踐與角色期望間有差距,各題項的差距情形以角色實踐高於角色期望者佔多數。 四、資源班召集人/資源班導師面對角色差距採用因應策略的頻率為中等程度,較常使用「主動解決差距」的因應策略。 五、不同背景變項的資源班召集人/資源班導師在角色實踐、角色期望、角色差距的反應情形與因應策略的使用頻率有差異。 最後,依據研究結果提出建議,對特殊教育主管機關而言,宜明訂各縣市資源班召集人/資源班導師的基本工作職責與職務加給,針對「初任」的資源班召集人/資源班導師辦理資源班業務相關研習;對學校特教組而言,在該職務的角色職責應形成共識並建立交接制度,資源班召集人/資源班導師的遴選方式宜重視個人意願;對資源班召集人/資源班導師而言,可透過各種管道提升專業知能與技能,勇於面對角色差距,並調整對該職務不合宜的角色期望;對未來研究者而言,則有針對研究對象、研究方法與研究主題等建議。The main purpose of this research is to explore the present role situation of the resource room coordinators at junior high school (as well as the junior part of middle schools), to understand the condition of the role performance and role expectation, and furthermore, to investigate the role discrepancy and their coping strategies. The resource room coordinators and their partners (the special education directors and resource teachers) within the junior high school in seven counties and cities in the north of Taiwan in the 2009 academic year were selected as the research objects. A questionnaire survey was conducted in this research based on the self-made“questionnaire regarding the role of resource room coordinators at junior high school”. The valid questionnaires were 228, and the available percentage was 97.85. Frequency distribution, percentage, average and standard deviation were used to analyze the statistical data. According to the results of data analysis, this study came to the following conclusions: 1.The main duty of the resource room coordinators is to be responsible for “the curriculum affairs management” and “the program affairs execution”, moreover mapping out overall plans of“administrative coordination” and“identification and guidance of placement” with the special education directors. 2.In general, the resource room coordinators and the partners had common consensus in the role expectation of that job. However, there were still some differences in every perspective and question item. 3.More than half of the resource room coordinators realized the discrepancy between the role performance and the role expectations. Role performance was greater than role expectation in most cases. 4.The frequency of resource room coordinators’ adopting the strategies when facing the discrepancy of role perception is within the middle range. They often adopt the“initiative resolve discrepancy”coping strategy. 5.Variables such as the background of the resource room coordinators led to the differences in the reaction of the role performance, role expectation, role discrepancy, and the frequency of using the coping strategies. Finally, this study makes suggestions based on its findings. As to the special education authority, it’s better to set up the basic job duty and job allowance for the resource room coordinators in every county and city explicitly. And hold seminars on resource room related topics for the novice resource room coordinators. As to the special education section at junior high school, the selection of resource room coordinators should better focus on the individual volition, reaching the common consensus of role responsibility of that job, and set up a system for job transfer to carry on the experience. As to the resource room coordinators, they can improve their professional knowledge and skill by any access and be able to face the discrepancy situation of role perception and take action. Then by role changing, adjust the inaptness role expectation to the position. As to the future researchers, this study proposed some suggestions for the research objects, research technique and the research subject.資源班召集人/資源班導師角色實踐角色期望角色差距因應策略Resource room coordinatorRole performanceRole expectationRole discrepancyCoping strategy國民中學資源班召集人/資源班導師角色之調查研究A Study on the Role of Junior High SchoolResource Room Coordinators