徐昊杲林清南How-Gao, Hsu & Ching-Nan, Lin2016-04-282016-04-282015-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77927本文旨在分析與比較兩岸高等技職教育規模擴張的背景,採用比較教育法,透過高等教育擴張理論和趨勢的文獻探討,繼之探討臺灣地區和大陸地區高等技職教育規模擴張的背景因素,並進行比較;結果發現海峽兩岸高等技職教育擴張的背景,除政治發展、經濟建設和社會需求外,臺灣地區是由教育改革導致高等技職教育的擴張,而大陸地區則是因為教育產業化引發高等職業教育的擴張。This paper aims to analyze and compare the contexts of scale expansion of cross-strait higher technological and vocational education by using Comparative Method in Education through literature review of higher education expansion theory and trend, followed by exploring the contextual factors of scale expansion of higher technological and vocational education in Taiwan and in mainland China, and making a comparison between the two. The findings are that in the expansion contexts of cross-strait higher technological and vocational education, in addition to political development, economic development and social needs, the main factor triggering the expansion of higher technological and vocational education in Taiwan is education reform and in mainland china is education industrialization.海峽兩岸高等技職教育規模擴張Cross-StraitHigher Technological and Vocational EducationScale Expansion海峽兩岸高等技職教育規模擴張背景因素之探討A Study on Contextual Factors of Scale Expansion of Cross-Strait Higher Technological and Vocational Education