張國恩Chang, Kuo-En賴頤Lai, Yi2023-12-082028-02-042023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/cec2e382ec2d3599fa61c8541d5c0fcb/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119808本研究為探討桌遊結合擴增實境用於 COVID-19 疾病預防教育之成效,主要探討如何增強國小學童疾病預防之知識及防疫行為之生活應用。近幾年由於疫情肆虐,健康教育再次受到學術界的關注。以往之健康教育之教學恐過於抽象不易與生活產生連結,讓學習者無法與生活產生連結,有失其學習成效。對此,本研究將結合擴增實境桌遊和合作學習之優點,設計開發一款學習輔助系統:CARL系統,透過此二者之特性輔助學習者學習。本研究採不等組之前後測準實驗研究,受試者為新北市某國小 59 位之學習者。實驗結果以共變數分析(ANCOVA)進行分析,以檢視學習者之學習成效及生活應用。再者,透過量表及訪談了解學習者之使用感受及再使用意願。本研究之研究結果為:(一)使用 CARL 系統學習之實驗組,其學習成效顯著優於使用卡牌學習之對照組、(二)使用 CARL 系統學習之實驗組,其生活應用並無顯著優於使用卡牌學習之對照組、(三)使用 CARL 系統學習之實驗組,對於系統設計及課程內容均持正向態度、(四)使用卡牌學習之對照組,對於課程內容持正向態度、(五)使用 CARL 系統學習之實驗組,其學習保留程度顯著優於使用卡牌學習之對照組。This research aims to investigates the use of integrating board games with augmented reality for health education to prevent COVID-19, with a focus on how to enhance the knowledge and preventive behavior of elementary school students in disease prevention in their daily life. In recent years, due to the widespread of diseases, health education is widely concerned by the academia. However, traditional health education teaching methods are too difficult to connect with student’s daily life. For this reason, the study design a learning assistant system named CARL that combined the advantages of augmented reality board games and cooperative learning to help students in learning the concept of preventing COVID-19.This study used quasi-experimental design and invited 59 learners from an elementary school in New Taipei City. The result of the experiment were analyzed by ANCOVA to examine the difference in learning outcomes, learning retention and learner’s application. In addition, learning experience and usage intention were gathered by satisfaction scales and interviews.The results showed that: (a) the learning outcomes of the experiment group is significantly better than the control group. (b) the application in daily life of the experimental group shows no significant difference than the control group. (c) the experimental group had a positive attitude towards the system design and course content. (d) the control group had a positive attitude towards the course content. (e) Thelearning retention of experimental group was significantly better than the control group.桌遊擴增實境健康識能健康教育Board GamesAugmented RealityHealth LiteracyHealth Education桌遊結合擴增實境用於 COVID-19 疾病預防教育之成效Integrating Board Games with Augmented Reality for Health Education in the Prevention of COVID-19etd