李隆盛Lung-Sheng Lee劉靜如Ching-Ju Liu2019-09-032016-8-252019-09-032011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096712102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96558本研究旨在探討政府部門人事人員角色壓力與幸福感之關係。利用相關研究法透過問卷調查,針對行政院所屬中央二、三、四級行政機關(構)人事人員為研究對象,共發放313份問卷,回收有效問卷共273份,有效回收率為87.22%。所蒐集資料以積差相關、變異數分析、迴歸分析等方式進行分析與驗證後,獲致下列五項結論:(1)人事人員在「角色衝突」與「量的角色過度負荷」上所感受之壓力相對偏高。(2)人事人員在幸福感的感受屬中上程度。(3)女性、年紀較輕、資淺、無婚姻狀態、擔任非主管職及官等較低之人事人員,其角色壓力的感受程度較大。(4)人事人員教育程度較高、擔任主管職務及官等較高者,其幸福感受較高。(5)人事人員角色壓力與幸福感有負向關聯。The purpose of this study was to explore the relation between government personnel official’s role stress and well-being. Targeted at personnel officials in levels 2-4 central governments, this study employed the correlational research method and conducted questionnaire survey. A total of 313 questionnaires were sent and 273(or 87.22%)valid ones were returned. The following five conclusions are made as a result of the statistical including product-moment correlation, analysis of variance(ANOVA), and regression analysis: (1) Personnel officials feel comparatively stressful on role conflict and role character quantitatively overload. (2) Personnel official’s sense of well-being is at the upper level. (3) The personnel official who is unmarried, younger, female, junior, non-supervisor, or lower position has higher working role stress. (4) The personnel official who is highly educated and in supervisior, or higher position has comparatively higher well-being. (5) There is a negative correlation between personnel official’s role stress and well-being.人事人員角色壓力幸福感personnel officialsrole stresswell-being政府部門人事人員角色壓力與幸福感之相關研究A Study of the Relation between Government Personnel Official’s Role Stress and Well-being