國立臺灣師範大學英語學系路愷宜2015-09-032015-09-032013/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74245本計畫研究重點為當代美國文學中再現的東歐,探討柏林圍牆倒塌後複雜的地緣政治秩序如何影響相關文本的書寫。透過分析美國的東歐流放作家(Hemon, Penkov, Obreht)及觀察當代美國文學作品中東歐的再現(Franzen, Updike, Simon, Phillips, Rubinstein, Orringe, Sacco, Zograf, Dasgupta),試圖整理關於再現東歐之文本出版及流通情形,檢驗東歐與美國之互動關係如何在這些文本中被紀錄及被想像著,並重新思考美國在後冷戰時期的「新歐洲」所扮演的角色(Rumsfeld),勾勒出東歐於美國真實與想像中的位置以及兩者互動對世界所產生的影響。 本計畫將結合90年代後期美國文學研究中「跨國的」(Fishkin)、「全球的」(Giles, Jay)、「星球的」(Dimock)、「半球的」(Levander)等方法以及當代學者Spivak(2003)、Damrosch(2003;2008)、Saussy(2006)等人理論做為研究之基礎,爬梳 (後)共產主義東歐與美國間錯綜複雜的相互依存關係,整理東歐空間於當代美國文學與文化研究中的系譜與脈絡。 研究將把跨國主義(Balibar, Basch, Levitt)視為人口、經濟、科技以及「意識形態」(Appadurai)的全球性移動過程,涵蓋目前美國種族研究中少為人所熟知的領域。透過關注當代美國文學中東歐作家及其作品,本研究企圖延伸美國文學中關於跨國議題的研究、闡明1989年後東歐與美國文化空間之間的接合與聯繫。My project focuses on representations of Eastern Europe in American literature and on how texts depicting the region are engaged in the complex geopolitical order that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall. What textual representations of Eastern Europe are being circulated now and how? What interactions between Eastern Europe and the US are recorded or imagined in these contemporary literary texts? How do these texts rethink the role of the US in the ‘New Europe’ (Rumsfeld), and what is the role of this encounter for the world at large? What role does Eastern Europe have in post-Cold War American reality and imaginary? To answer these questions I will analyze the work of contemporary Eastern European exiled writers in the US (Hemon, Penkov, and Obreht) and follow representations of Eastern Europe in contemporary American fiction (Franzen, Updike, Simon, Phillips, Rubinstein, Orringe, Sacco, Zograf, Dasgupta). Anchoring my analysis in the studies from the late 90s onwards which have emphasized the need for a “transnational” (Fishkin), “global” (Giles, Jay), “planetary” (Dimock), and “hemispheric” (Levander) approach to American literature and in the larger debates in comparative literature, as put forth by Spivak (2003), Damrosch (2003, 2008), or Saussy (2006), I posit the importance of contemporary Eastern European exiled writers and their cultural output in the US. My project will also tease out the “intricate interdependencies” between the post/communist Eastern Europe and the US, and offer a genealogy and detailed map of Eastern European spaces in contemporary American literature and culture. My project brings together thinking on transnationalism (Balibar, Basch, Levitt) as a global movement of peoples, financial flows, technologies and “ideologies” (to follow the lead of Appadurai), and a detailed analysis of the global circulation of various particular representations of Eastern Europe in and via American literature. My proposed study covers a little explored area in US ethnic studies, by suggesting an emergent Eastern European canon in American literature; it also participates in the transnational debates about American literature and illuminates important interfaces between the Eastern European cultural space and the American one after 1989.東歐東歐流放文學當代美國文學跨國主義Eastern EuropeEastern European exiles’ literaturecontemporary American literaturetransnationalismAleksandar HemonMiroslav PenkovTéa Obreht當代美國文學中的東歐空間Eastern European Spaces in Contemporary American Literature