張少熙Chang, Shao-Hsi黃順霖Huang Shnn-Lin2019-09-052007-7-272019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593041218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105332本研究旨在瞭解高雄縣國中退休教師休閒運動參與及生活滿意度之關係。以問卷調查方式,瞭解退休教師之現況及其休閒運動參與及生活滿意度等情形。研究採立意及滾雪球抽樣方式進行,回收之有效問卷共計305份,根據所得資料,以描述性統計、t考驗、卡方檢定以及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理,研究結果發現︰ 一、高雄縣國中退休教師現況為:性別以「男性」居多;年齡主要介於55-59歲;健康狀況為以「好」為主;經濟狀況以「大致夠用」佔多數。休閒運動參與現況為:有參與休閒運動者佔87.9%,參與次數每週以3次以上者佔67.2%,參與時間31分鐘以上佔78.4%。其在生活滿意度項前三項,分別為:我花很多時間與別人相處、子女對我的態度,讓我覺得愉快、我的心情通常是愉快的。 二、不同「性別」、「健康狀況」、「經濟狀況」、「居住狀況」之國中退休教師在休閒運動參與分別達顯著差異。 三、不同「教育程度」、「健康狀況」、「經濟狀況」之國中退休教師在生活滿意度達顯著差異。 四、高雄縣國中退休教師休閒運動參與在生活滿意度各層面均達顯著差異。The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between leisure activity participating and life satisfaction of the retired teachers in Kaohsiung County and also to explore the relationship among the variants. Samples are drawn from 400 retired teachers in Kaohsiung County. Four hundred questionnaires were sent to the teachers. Three hundred and sixty-three questionnaires were retrieved and three hundred and five questionnaires were valid for statistic analysis. This study was taken descriptive statistics analysis, independent t-tests, Chi-Square test and one-way ANOVA to analyze data. The results and discoveries of this study were as follows: 1.The situations of retired teachers in Kaohsiung County were mostly male, the age between fifty-five to fifty-nine, the good health, and the sufficient financial situation. The situations of the leisure activity participating were 87.9% for the leisure activity participating, 67.2% for the frequency over three times a week, and 78.4% for the participating time over thirty-one minutes. The top three sequences of the life satisfaction variants were spending time with others, children’s attitude toward me, and feeling pleasant all the time. 2.The leisure activity participating of the retired teachers in Kaohsiung County was showed significant differences in variants such as sex, health, financial situation, and living situation. 3.The life satisfaction of the retired teachers in Kaohsiung County was showed significant differences in variants such as education, health and financial situation. 4.The leisure activity participating of the retired teachers in Kaohsiung County was showed significant differences in every variant of the life satisfaction休閒運動生活滿意度Leisure ActivityLife Satisfaction高雄縣國中退休教師休閒運動參與及生活滿意度之研究The Study of the Relationship between Leisure Activity Participating and Life Satisfaction of the Retired Teachers in Kaohsiung County