林翠英Tsui-Ying Lin2014-10-272014-10-272013-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16488自閉症是一種廣泛性發展障礙,同時自閉症已經不再是低發生率的障礙,處理自閉症學生的行為問題是最挑戰且有壓力的議題。正向行為支持強調了解學生行為問題的功能及行為介入的策略,因此筆者將以功能性行為評量及行為改變技術作說明,讓老師及家長們明瞭如何運用正向行為支持的策略了解自閉症學生行為問題的功能及介入策略。正向行為支持亦強調三個層次正向行為支持的運作實務,將有助於家長及學校教師面對此問題時能迎刃而解。Autism was one subtype of pervasive developmental disorders. Autism was no longer a low-incidence disability. Dealing with problem behaviors for students with autism was the most challenging and stressful issues. Positive behavior support emphasized to understand the function of student problem behaviors and the intervention strategies for student problem behaviors. This study would help school teachers and parents to implement positive behavior support for student problem behaviors and intervention strategies in terms of functionalbehavior assessment and behavior modification.Positive behavior support also emphasized primary, second, and tertiary prevention which would help parents and school teachers.自閉症學生行為問題介入策略students with autismproblem behaviorsintervention strategies自閉症學生的行為問題介入策略Problem Behaviors Intervention Strategies for Students with Autism