洪聰敏Hung, Tsung-Min李采蓁Lee, Tsai-chen2023-12-082027-08-092023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8819d031177dd238f020bcd5f867f0b2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121402抑制控制 (inhibitory control) 是重要的執行功能成分,是能控制一個人的注意力,避免與當下作業無關內在或外在的資訊及想法的干擾,而更能有效執行當下的目標事物。研究發現抑制控制與工作表現、心理健康及生活品質有正向關係。根據適應模型理論 (The Adaptive Capacity Model , ACM),指出運動中的認知要求可能會調節身體活動與抑制控制表現之間的關係。持拍運動是一種對認知要求相對高的運動,因為參與者會在瞬息萬變和不可預測的環境中受到挑戰。過去研究發現從事持拍運動習慣 (如:羽球) 會比有氧適能運動習慣 (如:跑步) 有較佳的抑制控制表現。然而,有一些變項會影響抑制控制並未做考量。本研究招募有固定從事持拍類或有氧適能運動習慣且無參與其它運動類型的成人,並且考量身體質量指數、睡眠品質以及憂鬱量表分數在正常範圍以減少相關混淆因子的干擾,來比較不同運動習慣在抑制控制表現之差異。本研究為橫斷性研究設計,招募了有固定參與持拍類與強調有氧適能運動習慣成人共50位 (年齡23.4± 3.6歲)。抑制控制表現以Flanker作業來測量並分析參與者在一致及不一致情境下之校正後反應時間及Flanker 效應。在控制了兩組身體活動量後,結果顯示持拍運動習慣相較於有氧適能運動習慣的人在Flanker作業不一致情境下有較短的校正後反應時間 (持拍運動組:468.36 ± 36.55 ms,有氧適能組:501.16 ±71.54 ms)及較小的校正後反應時間之Flanker 效應 (不一致減去一致情境)。根據本研究結果所得結論,持拍運動組與有氧適能組在抑制控制表現有顯著差異,未來研究可以比較長期介入開放性運動與閉鎖性運動之執行功能差異。Inhibitory control is a core component of executive functions. It refers to the neurocognitive capacity to prevent disruption by task-irrelevant information, prepotent mental representations, or response tendency, to stay focused on task-relevant information. Studies have found that inhibitory control is positively related to job performance, mental health, and quality of life. According to the adaptive theoretical model, it populated that cognitive demands imposing in exercise may moderate the relationship between physical activity and inhibitory control performance. Racket sports is a relatively high cognitively demanding exercise, as participants are challenged in a fast-changing and unpredictable environment. Previous studies have found that individuals who engage in racket sports such as badminton had better inhibitory control than those who engage in less cognitively demanding exercise such as jogging. However, some confounding variables such as depression and sleep quality related to inhibitory control were not been considered. The present study recruited 50 adults (mean age = 23.4± 3.6y) who regularly participated rackets sports (n = 25) or aerobic-related exercise (n = 25) in past three months and did not participate in other types of exercise to examine the association between different exercise habits and inhibitory control in adults. In addition, participants were all normal on body mass index, and had no clinical depression and sleep disorder symptoms to exclude possible effects from those confounding variables. The Flanker task was used to assess their inhibitory control as reflected by accuracy-adjusted reaction times (RTs) and its Flanker effect (incongruent minus congruent trials). The results showed that the adults who regularly participated rackets sports exhibited shorter accuracy-adjusted RTs for incongruent trials and smaller adjusted RTs Flanker effects than adults who regularly participated aerobic-related exercise while controlling for physical activity levels. The findings partly support the research hypotheses and suggests that future studies are encouraged to examine the effect of different cognitive demands in exercise on cognitive function in intervention studies.身體活動體力訓練持拍運動認知功能Physical activityphysical trainingracket sportscognitive functioninhibitory control不同認知要求運動與抑制控制表現之關係The association between cognitive demands in Exercise and Inhibitory Controletd