季力康Chi, Li-Kang程味男Cheng, Wei-Nan2023-12-082023-07-032023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/220a12716d682076b2b6295a00f0ef93/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1187432019年底COVID-19疫情就像是洪水猛獸般的襲捲了全世界,而運輸業不論是海運或是空運在世界幾乎靜止的時空裡,卻是一個大爆發的時代,天空上的飛機沒有少飛,更因為疫情造成史無前例的隔離居檢,隔離居檢期間長達三年,一年高達200天以上,機師們不是犯人卻過著比監禁還苦的日子,連房門都無法踏出一步,居檢期間的飲食服務更是不能與人有聯結,關在狹小的房間裡,身體活動受到限制,飲食需求、休閒活動參與皆受到嚴重的限制,無法滿足,而在繁重的工作又必須承受局大的壓力,因此本研究探討在身體活動量、知覺壓力、工作疲勞與主觀幸福感之間的關係,假設身體活動量減少會降低主觀幸福感,知覺壓力大時會影響主觀幸福感,工作疲勞會影響主觀幸福感,並以國內航空機師為研究母群體,透過桃園市機師職業工會,以隨機抽樣方法進行問卷調查,研究結果顯示一週MET與生活滿意度呈正向關係,若機師們一週MET的時間可以愈多,其感受到的幸福感會愈高。機師們的知覺壓力與生活滿意度呈負向關係,知覺壓力愈大其主觀幸福感愈低。機師們的工作疲勞與生活滿意度呈負向關係,工作疲勞程度愈高其主觀幸福感愈低。At the end of 2019, the COVID-19 epidemic hit the world like a beast, and the transportation industry, whether by sea or air, in the world's almost static time and space, but it was an era of big outbreaks, the planes in the sky did not fly less, and because of the epidemic caused an unprecedented isolation inspection, the isolation period was up to three years, up to more than 200 days a year, the pilots were not prisoners but lived a life more difficult than imprisonment, they could not even step out of the door, and the catering service during the inspection could not be connected with people, locked in a small room, physical activity is restricted, dietary needs, leisure activities participation are severely restricted, can not be satisfied, and heavy work must bear great pressure, so this study explores the relationship between physical activity, perceptual pressure, work fatigue and subjective well-being, assuming that reduced physical activity will reduce subjective well-being, perceptual pressure will affect subjective well-being, work fatigue will affect subjective well-being, and domestic aviation pilots as the research parent group, Through the Taoyuan Pilots Professional Union, a random sampling method was conducted, and the results showed that a week of MET had a positive relationship with life satisfaction, and if pilots could spend more MET a week, the higher their happiness would be. The pilots' perceptual pressure is negatively correlated with life satisfaction, and the greater the perceptual pressure, the lower their subjective well-being. Pilots' work fatigue has a negative relationship with life satisfaction, and the higher the degree of work fatigue, the lower their subjective well-being.居家隔離居家檢疫加強版自主健康管理身體活動量知覺壓力工作疲勞Home isolationhome quarantineenhanced self-management of healthphysical activityperceived stresswork fatigue國籍機師在疫情期間身體活動量、知覺壓力、工作疲勞與主觀幸福感之研究A Study on the Physical Activity, Perceived Stress, Work Fatigue and Subjective Well-Being of Nationality Pilots during the COVID-19 Pandemic.etd