石明宗Shih, Ming-Tsung蕭紫汶Sio, Chi-Man2024-12-172024-07-172024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6957768700c008d7dbe9a52293feaf65/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123684本研究主要探討禪與射擊運動之間的關係。禪修的方式是動靜皆宜的,不論打坐念經或者砍柴挑水,而射擊運動在大眾角度也分為動態和靜態兩類型。本研究採用自我敍說方式,在研究者就讀兩年師大研究生的期間,把禪修、十米空氣手槍和實用射擊,三者的實踐經驗,以記錄或憶述的方法整理及重整,包括日常生活、訓練、競賽等素材,以及在射擊中應用禪的概念,如「三心不可得」、「應無所住而生其心」、「明心見性」。研究結果發現,射擊選手清楚自己的「日常狀態」,是發揮比賽水平的關鍵;而在比賽中維持「日常狀態」的困難的現象,在不同競技層級時會重覆出現;禪的主旨是「明心見性」,研究者認為要在禪修或者射擊中達至其境界,除了要清晰理解其修行方式和自己個性之外,還要做到能夠誠實地面對其事實,本研究結論有三點:一,「禪」是指能思(主體)對所思(客體),經過實際經歷和實踐,加深了對主體自身和客體認知的過程。二,「射擊禪」是包含文字的概念化,以及實踐的體悟,在射擊的學習、訓練、競賽等的過程中,表達出來的細節、感受、想法及未必能用言語所表達的體悟。三,射擊禪中的動靜態,能夠從「身」、「心」、「境」中體現,屬於「動中有靜,靜有中動」狀態,其運作方式根據修行、運動、競賽的方式有所改變。This study mainly explores the relationship between Zen practice and shooting sports. Zen practice encompasses both activity and stillness, whether it's sitting meditation, reciting sutras, or performing mundane tasks. Similarly, shooting sports can be categorized broadly into dynamic and static types. This research adopts a self-narrative approach, documenting and reorganizing the experiences of Zen meditation, 10-meter air pistol shooting, and practical shooting during the researcher's two-year graduate studies at a teacher training university. This documentation includes aspects of daily life, training, competitions, and the application ofZen concepts in shooting, such as"three minds cannot be obtained," "having no fixed mind," and "perceiving the nature of mind." The study finds that shooters understanding their "everyday state" is crucial for performing at their best in competitions. However, maintaining this state during competitions presents difficulties that recur at different levels of competition. The essence of Zen is "perceiving the nature of mind." The researcher believes that to reach this state in Zen practice or shooting, one must not only understand the practice and one's own personality clearly but also honestly face the facts. The study draws four conclusions: First, "Zen" refers to the subject's cognition of the object through actual experiences and practice, deepening the understanding of both the subject and the object. Second, "Shooting Zen" involves expressing details, feelings, thoughts, and insights gained through the learning, training, and competition process of shooting, which may not always be expressible in words, including conceptualization andpractical realization. Third, the dynamic and static aspects of Shooting Zen can be manifested in the"body" "mind" and "environment" representing a state of "stillness in motion, motion in stillness," with operational changes based on the methods of practice, sports, and competition.禪宗禪修射擊禪運動禪明心見性Zen BuddhismZen practiceShooting ZenSports ZenPerceiving the nature of mind射擊禪之研究A Study of Shooting Zen學術論文