林育瑋2014-10-272014-10-272008-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19055國內幼教領域少有以「學校為本位」規劃教師成長活動之實徵研究。本研究採行動研究,以研究者任職之幼稚園為場域,深入了解以幼稚園教學發展方向與園內教師專業知能發展之需求後,規劃教師專業成長活動之歷程;並探討影響教師成長活動的因素,期望本研究能提供其他幼稚園進行其教師專業成長活動規劃之參考。本研究進行2年,幼稚園18位老師皆參與研究。資料收集包括觀察、訪談、教學紀錄、省思日誌、會議紀錄、研究日誌等資料。研究發現,以幼稚園為本位規劃之教師專業成長活動,不僅兼顧組織的發展方向,也符應教師個人的專業成長需求。多樣化的成長進修活動皆由園長及教師互動溝通過程中發展出來。影響「幼稚園為本位」之教師成長活動規劃之因素有園長角色、同事關係、教師內在動機及時間考量等。In Taiwan, there was little empirical research focusing on school-based teacher professional development in the field of early childhood education. An action research approach is adopted in the kindergarten where the researcher works. The research aims at having a profound understanding of the tendency of the kindergarten toward teaching development and its teachers' need for professional development. The main purpose of this study is to explore the process of designing kindergarten-based teacher professional development activities and to analyze the possible factors which affect kindergarten teachers' professional development. This research is expected to serve as advice for other kindergartens on how to design teachers' professional development activities. This two-year research is conducted in a kindergarten with 18 teachers participating in the process. Classroom observations, open-ended interviews, teaching records, personal journals, and meeting records are the major sources of data. The important findings are as follows. (1) To design kindergarten-based teacher professional development activities, the direction of organization development and the need of teacher professional development must be taken into account. (2) A diversity of development activities are derived from interactions and communications between the director and teachers. (3) The factors affecting kindergarten-based teachers' professional development include: the role of the director, peer interaction, teacher's internal motivation, and the time of activities.教師專業成長行動研究幼稚園本位之專業成長Teacher professional developmentAction researchKindergarten-based teacher professional development以幼稚園為本位的教師專業成長歷程之行動研究An Action Research on Developing Kindergarten-based Teacher Professional Development Program in a Kindergarten