林孟真陳淑慧2019-08-292004-9-242019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000089%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92546本研究旨在藉由「圖書館利用教育」協同教學之實施,瞭解實施之過程、可能遭遇的困難、透過教師訪談及學生「學習成效」問卷填答意見,進一步評估「圖書館利用教育」協同教學的可行性並在實施後加以檢討。研究主要採用質性方法進行,由研究者與臺北市明湖國中七年級教師10位及其任教之班級學生299位共同參與,研究結果可供「圖書館利用教育」協同教學之參考。 根據研究結果,獲致以下結論: 一、教學團隊需要協同教學領導者與自願參與教師的投入,注重溝通、協調及分工合作,以統整性的教學活動引起學生的學習興趣。 二、實施之困難包括:共同時段課表的編排不易、場地易受干擾、教學設備資源不足、教師知能研習缺乏、時間壓力及額外的負擔,且應在行政領導下提供相關配套措施並克服學生學習不夠專注、課程內容編排等問題。 三、實施「圖書館利用教育」協同教學有助於教師專業成長、創新教學,學生可獲得較多指導並培養解決問題的能力。 四、「圖書館利用教育」協同教學的學習課程、學習氣氛,有助於增進自我學習的能力、提昇學習成效。This research aims to study the process and difficulties we might meet in applying “library instruction” team teaching. Through interviews with teachers and analysis on the questionnaires of students’ learning performance, the researcher examines if “library instruction” team teaching being beneficial to teachers and students. Moreover, suggestions are drawn after bringing it into practice. With the teachers and students in Taipei Municipal Minghu junior high school as subjects, the research samples 10 teachers in 7th grades and 299 students in their classes. The research proceeds mainly by the method of qualitative research. Results will be provided as reference for library instruction team teaching. Conclusions can be drawn as follow: 1. Teaching team needs the involvements of the leaders in team teaching and teachers that volunteer to participate in. In the process, communication, collaboration and coordination should also be emphasized. And finally with integral teaching activities to interest students in learning. 2. To precede library instruction team teaching, some problems may occur. It is not easy to arrange a common time from teachers’ classes;the place is easily being interfered; teaching facilities and resources are deficient; teachers’ courses on related knowledge are not available. Furthermore, time pressures and additional burden are difficulties as well.To overcome related problems such as low learning engagement of students, curriculum design, etc, administrators should exercise leadership in library instruction team teaching. 3. The implement of library instruction team teaching provides teachers opportunities to promote their growth on professional capacity, innovative teaching, and on the other hand, teachers can offer students more instructions and develop students’ abilities in solving problems. 4. The curriculum and learning atmosphere of “library instruction” team teaching help to enhance the ability of self- learning and to promote the learning effects.圖書館利用教育協同教學library instructionteam teaching圖書館利用教育協同教學之研究-以臺北市立明湖國民中學為例