鄧守信陳武天Chen Wu-Tien2019-08-282010-8-122019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095242217%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86306根據教育部「1998 口語」與「1997 書面語」常用字頻的比較,「的」字在口語與書面語均名列第一,如此高的使用頻率,當然值得我們注意並進一步詳加探討它的用法,以應用在教學之上,這就是本論文的研究動機與目的。 第二章探討與「的」字結構有關的文獻及研究論文。第三章詳細分析「的」字結構的各種用法與語法功能,整理出領位標記、定語標記、名物化標記、狀語標記、子句標記、語氣助詞、「是…的」結構以及特殊用法等八種。第四章討論教學語法的必要性,分析國內外著名的華語教材「五百字說華語」與「實用視聽華語」中的「的」字語料,參考鄧守信(2009)提到的教學排序與語法描述原則,提出「的1」、「的2」、「的3」、「的4」、「的5」、「的6」的教學排序建議與教學語法描述內容。最後綜合教學排序與教學語法描述內容,提出「的」字結構的教學建議以供華語教學界之參考。 第五章結論與建議,說明「的」字結構在現代漢語中最高使用頻率所象徵的意義,也就是要把「的」字結構列為語法點,分別呈現在初級、中級、高級的華語教材中以提昇華語教學的成果。最後提出「的」字結構跨語言的對比研究,如漢語與台語(閩南語)、漢語與英語、漢語與日語、漢語與泰語等,將是未來值得研究的主題。According to the investigation made by the Ministry of Education in 1997 and in 1998, the highest frequency word in both spoken language and written language is the word “DE”. Therefore, the “DE” construction attracts the researcher to explore its usages and apply the results to teaching Chinese as a second language. The studies and the theses about the “DE” construction are collected and discussed in Chapter two. The grammatical functions of the “DE” construction are analyzed in detail in Chapter three. They are divided into eight functions including possessive, modifier, adverbial, nominalizer, clause marker, mood particle, the “Shi……De” pattern and the special usage. In Chapter four, based on Teng’s(2009) framework, this study proposes the pedagogical sequencing and pedagogical grammar related the “DE” construction to make some suggestions on teaching Chinese language. Finally, the researcher makes some conclusions to explain the significance of the highest frequency. We should take the “DE”construction as an important grammatical point on teaching Chinese language to enhance the effective of the instruction. The suggestion for the future researchers is to continue the research about the “DE”construction through inter-language as a contrastive analysis such as “DE”(Chinese) and “NO”(Japanese), “DE”(Chinese) and “KONG”(Thai language).現代漢語「的」字結構語法分析教學排序Modern ChineseDE ConstructionGrammatical AnalysisPedagogical Sequencing現代漢語「的」字結構的語法分析與教學應用A Grammatical Analysis of the DE Construction in Chinese and Its Pedagogical Applications