于富雲2014-10-272014-10-272003-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18842本研究旨在瞭解小組合作學習、個別獨立自學以及個別競爭等三種不同教學方法以及配合學習者對教學方法偏好與否,兩自變項對國小學童電腦輔助自然科學學習成效之影響。以3X2二因子準實驗設計法,利用臺南市一國小五年級九個班級學生(335人)進行電腦輔助學習活動,使用學習偏好量表、兩份成就測驗及自然科態度量表收集相關資料。資料以二因子變異數統計方法分析發現,教學方法以及配合學習偏好與否兩自變項對學業成就與學科態度有交互作用。基於本研究結果建議,為提昇自然學科學業成就與學科態度,教學者在選用教學法的同時,應考量學習者對不同教學法的偏好狀態,運用不同的教學策略,以有效提昇學生的學業成就抑或學科態度。The main purpose of this study was to examine the relative effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualist learning on student academic achievements and attitudes. Since matching instructional methods with individual preferences has been intuitively recommended but rarely substantiated empirically, the second purpose of this study was to explore the interactive effects of instructional methods and learners' preferences on student learning. A 3X2 factorial design was adopted for this study. Nine fifth-grade classes (N=335) participated in the study for three consecutive weeks. Data were collected via“Learning Preference Scale for Students,” two posttests, and a questionnaire regarding“Attitudes toward Science in School Assessment,” and then analyzed by means of two-way ANOVA. It was found that there were interactive effects between instructional methods and learners' preferences with regard to student academic achievements and student attitudes toward science. In view of these findings, it was suggested that instructors should take students' learning preferences into consideration when implementing different instructional methods in science classrooms.電腦輔助學習教學方法學習偏好Computer-assisted learningInstructional methodsLearning preferences教學方法與學習偏好對電腦輔助自然科學學習成效之影響The Learning Effects of Instructional Methods and Learning Preferences in a Computer-Assisted Science Learning Environment