鄭志富Cheng, Chih-Fu劉昶佑Liu, Chang-Yu2019-09-052018-02-212019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060330003A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105001藤球是一項玩法多元、表演性十足的競技運動,不但風行於東南亞各國,俱樂部的發展也已相當成熟,更被列為亞洲運動會正式項目之一。近年來我國因為新南向政策的實施,讓醞釀已久的藤球勢力開始抬頭,但是俱樂部相關的研究或營運模式仍有待探索及建構。爰此,研究者藉由實際參與之經驗,綜整相關研究及文件資料後,以「平衡計分卡」為理論基礎,彙整專家學者建議後編製訪談大綱,運用立意取樣的方式,選擇泰國具代表性之藤球俱樂部經營者及參與者共5人進行深度訪談,並透過參與觀察及文件分析等方法瞭解外國藤球俱樂部營運模式。 本研究以平衡計分卡之四個構面,及八個策略主題來探討。結果發現,顧客構面為RATCHABURI藤球俱樂部最重視的構面,其處理事件的效率、便宜的價格、熱情的態度及專業訓練課程等行動指標,都有效提升顧客滿意度;在財務構面,專業的訓練課程並積極開發周邊商品是其實際的產能,而管控成本的部分則是特別重視球員的合約與員工的人事成本,並設置回饋基金將資源再利用;內部流程構面則是透過人才培育、修正服務缺失等方式來提升其品質。最後,在學習與成長構面中,規劃優良的選訓及退撫制度,加上人性化的管理方式,優化俱樂部軟硬體設備,提供顧客及員工更優質的運動生活環境,以凝聚其對組織的認同感,方能持續成長,進而達到永續發展。在實務上,建議臺灣藤球俱樂部經營者,先瞭解國內的市場需求,提供滿足顧客之優質服務,並與企業及廠商建立良好的合作關係,俱樂部的營運才能逐漸步入正軌;在學術上,則建議後續研究者參考本研究提供之架構,進一步建構出符合臺灣市場之營運模式及精準的行動指標,或不同理論角度探討藤球俱樂部相關議題,豐富藤球運動的發展。Sepaktakraw is a diversified and fully performed competitive sport. It not only is popular in Southeast Asian countries, but also develops maturity in club style. It also becomes one of the official events of the Asian Games. In recent years, because of the implementation of The New Southbound Policy, the Sepaktakraw is getting prosperous in Taiwan. However, the relative studies and operating models of the club style are still being explored and constructed. So after the participation experience and the complied information, the researcher chose as a representative interviews which were held with 3 managers and 2 players of sepak takraw club in Thailand based on the “ Balanced Scorecard,” and learned about eh operation model in the club by observation and documentary analysis. This study explored the 4 perspectives and 8 strategic themes in the "Balanced Scorecard". The results showed that the “customer perspective” is the most important perspective in RATCHABURI takraw club, and its action indicators, such as event efficiency, cheaper price, enthusiastic attitude and professional training courses, effectively enhance customers satisfaction. In the “financial perspective”, professional training courses and actively develop the peripheral products are its actual production capacity. The players’ contracts and personnel cost were also the part of the cost control, and the fund could be feedback to the club. In the “Internal business process perspective”, enhancing its quality is by the talent cultivation and modified services. Finally, in the “learning and growth perspective”, the excellent training plan, recruitment system with humane management, hardware and software upgrade, the better exercise environment for customers and employees, and the identity to the organization are all the necessities to achieve sustainable development. In practical, the researcher suggests that the operators of Taiwan takraw club realize the domestic market demand first, provide satisfactory service to customers, and then establish good cooperative relations with enterprises and manufacturers so that the operation of the club can be gradually put on track. On the academic advice , the researcher recommends that the following researchers further construct the operation model in line with the Taiwan market and precise action indicators by the framework provided in this study or discuss issues related of takraw Club from different theoretical aspects to enrich the development of sepaktakraw.藤球俱樂部營運績效平衡計分卡Sepaktakraw clubOperation performanceBalanced Scorecard藤球俱樂部營運績效分析-以泰國RATCHABURI俱樂部為例Operation Performance Analysis of Sepaktakraw Club-A Case Study of RATCHABURI Takraw Club