林正常Jung-Charng Lin謝孟媚Meng-Mei Shieh2019-09-052003-07-012019-09-052002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2002000056%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105980本研究的目的在探討新式健身操對高中女生之生理反應值之影響。以9位曾參加第三屆新式健身操比賽之高中女生為受試對象,平均年齡16.4±0.6歲,平均身高157.6±5.15公分,平均體重50.5±5.07公斤。每位受試者測量運動前10分鐘、三次新式健身操做操過程及運動後恢復期15分鐘,三個過程皆進行心跳率測量與氧氣的採集;在每次新式健身操做完後皆詢問受試者運動強度自覺量表。所得資料以相依樣本t-test分析做操前後之血壓反應;並以重複量數單因子變異數分析(repeated one-way ANOVA)考驗三次健身操之間心跳率及運動強度自覺量表及能量消耗的差異。平均數若達顯著差異再以費雪爾氏LSD(Fisher’s least significant difference)進行事後比較,顯著水準定於α= .05。結果發現:一、三次新式健身操之間的運動中心跳率最大值(172±17.24、176±16.53、188±9.17 次/分)和平均心跳率(145±14.65、156±14.97、167±10.50 次/分)皆達顯著差異水準(p< .05)。二、第三次新式健身操的RPE(15.6±1.88 分)與第一次(11.9±7.04 分)有顯著差異(p< .05);但是第二次(13.6±1.67 分)與第一次、第三次間並無顯著差異(p> .05)。 三、第三次新式健身操的攝氧量(23.73±2.90 毫升/公斤/分)與第一次(20.45±3.61 毫升/公斤/分)有顯著差異(p< .05);但是第二次(23.01±3.06 毫升/公斤/分)與第一次、第三次間並無顯著差異(p> .05)。四、三次健身操運動中的總能量消耗為92.65±20.64大卡。本研究結果顯示,新式健身操屬於中高強度,欲作為健身或體重控制的手段時,尚需增加重複次數或輔之以其他的身體活動。The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological responses of new style gymnastics (NSG) on senior high school female students. Method: Nine senior high school female students (age=16.40±0.6 years, height=157.59±5.15 cm, weight=50.51±5.07 kg) were recruited as the subjects for this study. Responses of oxygen intake (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were measured during the 10 minutes before exercise, each NSG and 15 minutes after exercise. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was collected immediately following each NSG. Data was analyzed by pair t-teat, repeated measured one-way ANOVA,and the statistical significance was set at α= .05 level. Results: 1) During three trails of NSG, average of HR(145±14.65,156±14.97,167±10.5 time/min)were significantly increased. 2) RPE responses of the third NSG (15.6±1.88 ) was higher than first NSG(11.9±7.04)(p< .05),but the second NSG(13.6±1.67) was no difference between first NSG and third NSG (p> .05).3) VO2 responses of the third NSG (23.73±2.90 ml/time/min) was higher than first NSG(20.45±3.61 ml/time/min)(p< .05),but the second NSG(23.01±3.06 time/min) was no difference between first NSG and third NSG (p> .05). 3) During three trails of NSG, energy expenditure increased significantly and a total of energy expenditure 92.65±20.64Kcal was found. Conclusions: Three trails of NSG could improve cardiorespiratory endurance, but total energy expenditure is not enough to use as a main measure of weight control.新式健身操高中女生生理反應值new style gymnastics(NSG)senior high school female studentsphysiological responses新式健身操對高中女生之生理反應值之研究Physiological Responses of New Style Gymnastics on Senior High School Female Students