國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所許嘉文陳厚銘王仕茹2016-03-222016-03-222007-03-011995-5392http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77083本篇論文的研究主題係探討當地聯結對海外投資績效的影響,以及該影響是否會因廠商大小的不同而有所差異。本研究的實證對象是赴大陸投資的臺灣廠商。實證結果發現,大小不同的廠商會藉由不同的當地聯結型態影響其海外投資績效。其中大廠商係藉由關係聯結與行銷聯結來強化其海外投資績效,而小廠商則是藉由基礎資源聯結來強化其海外投資績效。This paper examines the patterns of firm size and local linkages in Taiwan's foreign direct investment (FDI). Using Taiwanese manufacturing firms investing in China as the sample for our investigation, we find that firm size and local linkages have significant impact on Taiwanese FDI performance in China. The empirical findings show that large firms are inclined to make relational linkages and marketing linkages to enhance FDI performance, while small firms tend to make basic resource linkages in order to enhance their FDI performance in China.當地聯結海外投資投資績效Foreign direct investmentLocal linkagesFDI performance當地聯結與海外投資績效Local Linkages and FDI Performance