洪久賢JEOU-SHYAN HORNG蘇靖淑CHING-SHU SU2019-08-282011-8-202019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0894060076%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87178節慶活動在結合觀光發展下,一直以來都是各國發展觀光的重要資源,越來越多地區運用節慶活動為推廣觀光及提升地方經濟的工具(Felsenstein& Fleischer, 2003)。Kivela and Crotts (2005)指出美食觀光是一種富有意義且可能有高忠誠度的市場區塊,美食體驗對於行銷旅遊目的地來說是效力非常大的行銷工具;而飲食節慶對於美食觀光客是最受矚目的,通常是美食觀光中最引人注目的部分(Smith & Xiao, 2008)。然而,針對飲食節慶遊客行為的瞭解仍有待探究。本研究之研究目的為以計劃行為理論為基礎,建立飲食節慶遊客之行為模式;並透過生活型態進行樣本分群,探討不同生活型態遊客之行為模式的差異。本研究採取量化研究取向,以問卷調查法進行研究,透過文獻探討,發展出計劃行為理論之量表及生活型態量表。以便利抽樣方式對「2008第八屆澳門美食節」遊客進行問卷施測,有效問卷共回收244份,並運用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)進行模式配適與驗證。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 計劃行為理論部分解釋解釋飲食節慶遊客之行為模式; 二、 生活型態與計劃行為理論的結合有助於形成良好的行為模式; 三、 不同生活型態遊客的知覺行為控制對於行為意圖有不同的影響。根據實證研究結果,本研究對於飲食節慶的舉辦與經營提出實務上之建議;同時,亦提出理論之意涵,期望對於未來學術理論之發展有所貢獻。最後,本研究提出研究限制與後續研究方向之建議。Festivals and events have been important resources to be com-bined with tourism development in many countries all the time. Festi-vals and events are increasingly employed to promote tourism and improve the local economy (Felsenstein& Fleischer, 2003). Kivela and Crotts (2005) noted that culinary tourism is a significant market segment with high loyalty, and that emphasizing local delicacies is an effective marketing strategy for tourist destinations. Furthermore, food festivals make a strong impression on culinary tourists, and are usu-ally the most attractive aspect of culinary tours (Smith & Xiao, 2008). However, previously few studies have attempted to understand the behavior of food festival tourists. This study establishes a model of food festival tourist behavior based on the Theory of Planned Behav-ior (TPB). Furthermore, this study groups the samples with lifestyle, and explores the difference on the behavioral models between differ-ent groups of food festival visitors. This study utilizes a quantitative approach based on questionnaire survey. The TPB and lifestyle scales were developed via literature review. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to the visitors to the “2008 the 8th Macau Food Festival”. A total of 244 samples were obtained. Structural equa-tion modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the model fit. The main findings are as follows: 1. TPB can partially explain the behavioral model for food festi-val visitors. 2. TPB combined with lifestyle can form an better behavioral model. 3. Perceived behavioral control can result in different influence on behavioral intention between food festival visitors of different lifestyle. Suggestions regarding practical operation and management are addressed based on the results; meanwhile, theoretical implications are discussed and are expected to contribute to future theoretical de-velopment in human behavior. Finally, the direction of future research and research limitations are proposed.節慶觀光節慶計劃行為理論生活型態理性行動理論觀光Festivaltheory of planned behaviorlifestyletheory of reasoned actiontourism飲食節慶遊客行為模式建立之研究Constructing a Model of Food Festival Visitor Behavior