甄曉蘭Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon詹美華Mei-Hua Zhan2019-08-282004-8-312019-08-282004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H0003014%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89478教科書至今仍是學校教育中教師「教」與學生「學」的重要媒介。本研究主要在探討九年一貫課程改革下的教科書,在全面開放審定制以後,衍生了哪些具爭論性的議題?這些議題指涉的爭議性事件,是怎麼發生、怎麼發展?報紙或其他相關報導在呈現這些爭議事件的公共論述,是怎麼說、說什麼?論述背後潛藏的爭論焦點,又是什麼、如何解讀? 本研究蒐集民國90年9月1日至92年12月31日止,中國時報(含中時晚報)、聯合報(含聯合晚報)及自由時報三大報有關教科書的新聞報導。透過教科書報導形式、報導主題與消息來源等分類和次數統計,做系統、定量的內容結構分析,瞭解報紙報導都是「如何說」(如報導形式)、「說什麼」(如新聞主題、消息來源),並由此進一步作為教科書主要議題論述分析的文本選取依據。 本研究論述分析的文本,從教科書開放政策的相關研究出發,參據三報新聞樣本的主題類目,選取出現次數較高者,依據主題間的關連性,以及整體樣本資料的分佈情形,歸納出教科書開放主要議題有三個:教科書市場化議題、教科書編審政策議題、教科書使用相關議題。首先,分別就三個議題進行表面敘事結構分析,摘取新聞標題內容,按時間脈絡呈現議題的發展。其次,找出議題中的爭議性事件(或論題),進行事件(或論題)意涵構連的分析,探討支撐議題發展的文本脈絡和主要論述。最後,就議題的爭議性焦點,進行批判和省思,期望從中能達成解讀九年一貫課程改革下的教科書現象與衍生的亂象。 本研究針對研究結果分別從內容結構層面、議題層面、政策批判省思層面提出如下結論: 一、 內容結構層面 (一)教科書新聞報導形式以純新聞報導居多,評論較少,打破「大家總是在批評教科書」的刻板印象。 (二)教科書新聞主題以「議價與書價」、「統編民編政策」兩類最多,顯示報導的內容偏向教科書市場與教科書政策兩方面。 (三)教科書消息來源以官方為主,官方以「告知者」角色於教科書新聞產製過程中居重要樞紐位置。 二、議題層面 (一) 教科書市場化以後教科書選用問題益趨複雜,教科書專業計價問題亟待解決,政府在教科書市場的角色與定位問題尚待釐清。 (二) 教科書編審政策以「部編與民編併行制」作為新課程微調機制,是企圖減緩九年一貫課程改革對教科書開放政策的衝擊。 (三) 教科書使用上有關教師自編教材已被鼓勵,版本銜接問題尚待克服,教材錯誤已進行把關改善,基本學力測驗取材範圍仍令人疑慮不安。 三、政策批判反思層面 教科書開放衍生的三個主要議題,彼此相互關連和影響。綜合而言,健全教科書市場機制,如計價和選用;避免國家課程意識型態過度泛政治化干預課程決策過程,如民編、統編的左右為難;導引大眾對教科書的重新概念和使用認知,也許有助於杜絕教科書開放政策亂象再生。 針對前述研究結論,可進一步綜理出九年一貫教科書問題的根本焦點有二:一是課程方面,九年一貫課程改革帶來教科書開放政策的衝擊;二是市場方面,面對開放的教科書市場所帶來的挑戰。本研究乃分別從課程、市場方面所牽涉到的不同相關對象,提出具體做法供參考。最後並就本研究不足之處,提供建議,以資未來相關研究。This study attempts to analysis the critical issues of textbook related to the open policy for textbook under curriculum reform for compulsory education (1-9). The design of this study try to examine how did the issues happen and develop? How and what did the newspapers address these issues? And what were the hidden problems? Through gathering news and public opinions about textbooks in the newspapers, the researcher summarized three main issues after textbooks reform: (1) textbook marketization, (2) textbooks editing and reviewing policy, and (3) the use of textbooks. Based on the analysis of structure of content, issues, and the reflection of policy, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Structure of content i. Textbook issues reported in the newspapers mostly were pure news with only few comments, which break the stereotype of “people always criticize textbooks”. ii. Most of the subjects were “negotiating the prices of textbooks ” and “argument between unified editorial vs. open editorial policy”. This means the reports tends to prefer to the open marketization policy of textbooks. iii. Most news were from officials resources. Officials played an important role in the making as well as the informing of textbooks news . 2. Issues i. The adoption of textbooks is going to be more and more complicated after textbooks marketization. The problems of textbooks prices are waiting for effective solution, and the role of government in textbooks market should be redefined. ii. Textbooks editing and reviewing policy will be more or less regulated curriculum reform by adding official editorial system to decrease the lash that Grade 1-9 curriculum to textbooks reform policy. iii. The use of teaching materials developed by teachers has been encouraged, but the problem in making connections among different editions needs to overcome. The errors in textbooks have been checked on, but the materials used for the “basic competence test” are still bothering. 3. Reflection of policy There should be a good marketization system for textbooks, ex. prices and adoption. The making of national curriculum should avoid the interference from political ideologies, ex. the dilemma of textbook policy. Re-educating the public to know the concept and the use of textbooks may help ending stop the mess in textbook reform. Based on the conclusions, this study provides recommendations for actual strategies for different but interrelated people to help the enactment of the new textbook policy. Finally, this study also provides suggestions for future studies.九年一貫課程改革教科書開放論述分析議題curriculum reform for compulsory education(1-9)textbook reformdiscourse analysisissue九年一貫課程改革教科書開放主要議題之論述分析A discourse analysis on critical issues of new textbook policy under curriculum reform for compulsory education(1-9)