陳素秋Chen, Su-Chiu游閏皓Yu, Jun-Hao2020-12-142020-08-172020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060407027E%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110128本研究旨在檢視人權教育相關概念與內容於現行公民與社會教科書中配置及被呈現的方式,並進一步探討其呈現方式,是否且如何呼應108〈公民與社會課綱〉揭示之「探究學習」目標。為達研究目的及因應108課綱之教科書審查情形,本研究選取公民與社會第一、二冊教科書進行量化內容分析與質性文本分析。 依據上述研究目的,本研究結果發現如下: 一、以三代人權之分類,檢視人權概念內容於108〈公民與社會課綱〉中的配置,其比例與99〈公民與社會課綱〉相近,以第一代人權概念分配最多。 二、108〈公民與社會課綱〉中,人權相關內容的條目與實質內涵,具有凸顯群體身分、重視勞動與社會安全、關注媒體與社會不平等現象等特色。 三、人權概念內容於現行教科書中的論述特徵,包含:呈現權利推演過程、標舉出不同群體身分、強調國家保障人權責任、凸顯現象背後的結構性因素、使用實例促進理解、訴諸情感而非教條式說理等有助於人權教育目標之特色,但有缺乏新住民群體身分與權益的討論、以及國家侵害人權事例陳述等不足之處。 四、在量化統計方面,各版本教科書中,平均每一課有14則與人權概念有關且具後續探究可能的提問,此數目顯示了教科書期望呼應108〈公民與社會課綱〉探究學習宗旨的企圖。 五、在質性分析方面,教科書中的提問可達致「發展問題,規劃、引導探究」、「使用學科概念與工具」、「評估資料和訊息,使用證據」等三項探究學習構面之目標,但在「與他人分享、交流結論,在知情的前提下採取行動」構面上則較為不足。The purpose of this study is to examine the ways in which human rights education-related concepts and contents are deployed and presented in current civics and society textbooks, and to further probe the ways that they are presented, and whether and how they respond to the“Inquiry Learning”aims revealed by 108“Civics and Society Curriculum Guidelines”. In order to achieve the purpose of the research and in response to the textbook review of the 108 Curriculum Guidelines, this research selects the first and second textbooks of civics and society for quantitative content analysis and qualitative textual analysis. According to the research purpose abovementioned, the results are listed below: I. The study examines the allocation of human rights concepts in 108“Civics and Society Curriculum Guidelines”by the classification of the three generations of human rights. The results show that the proportion of allocation of human rights concepts is similar to 99“Civics and Society Curriculum Guidelines”, with the first generation of human rights concepts being the most distributed. II. These are the characteristic of the items and substantive connotations of human rights related contents in 108“Civics and Society Curriculum Guidelines”: Highlighting group identity, attaching importance to labor and social security, and giving attention to media and social inequality. III. These are the characteristic of the discourse of the human rights concepts which contribute to the goals of human rights education in the current textbooks: Presenting the process of rights deduction, identifying the identities of different groups, emphasizing the state’s responsibility to protect human rights, highlighting the structural factors behind the phenomenon, using instances to promote understanding, and appealing to emotions rather than dogmatic argumentation. Nevertheless, there are shortcomings such as the lack of discussion of the identity and rights of the new inhabitants group and statements of cases of national violations of human rights. IV. In terms of quantitative statistics, in each version of the textbook, there are an average of 14 questions related to the concepts of human rights and possible follow-up inquiries in each lesson. This number shows the textbooks’ attempt to respond to the purpose of inquiry learning of 108“Civics and Society Curriculum Guidelines”. V. In terms of qualitative analysis, the questions in the textbooks can reach the goals of three aspects of inquiry learning, namely“developing questions, planning, and guiding inquiry”,“using subject concepts and tools”,“assessing data and information, using evidence”. However, the aspect of“sharing and exchanging conclusions with others, and taking informed action”is relatively insufficient.人權教育探究學習高中公民與社會教科書human rights educationinquiry learningtextbooks of civics and society for senior high school108高中公民與社會課綱與教科書之人權教育內涵分析The Analyses of 108 Civics and Society Curriculum Guidelines of General Senior High School and Content of Human Rights Education in Textbooks