林慧斐Lin, Hui-Fei鍾守沂Chung, Shou-Yi2022-06-082021-09-302022-06-082020https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/52a169f3bbfcb8fc8c39c6f6375f9dae/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117408隨著社群平台以及Youtube的影音內容興起,使用者原創內容成為各社群平 台重要的元素,而許多廠商看準這種現象,紛紛與利用網路產生影響力的網紅合作,試圖透過與網紅合作的業配,使產品在觀看者面前大量曝光,並加上網紅分享使用心得等,吸引消費者的目光。本研究以Youtube平台為背景,結合社會回應理論與符號互動論,研究採2品牌熟悉度(品牌熟悉度高 vs. 品牌熟悉度低) x 2自我揭露程度(自我揭露程度高 vs. 自我揭露程度低)x 2訂閱數(訂閱數高 vs. 訂閱數低)之三因子組間實驗設計,探討Youtube網紅所拍攝業配影片的廣告 效果,以及擬社會互動在自變項(品牌熟悉度、自我揭露程度、訂閱數)與依變 項(品牌態度、購買意願)之間的中介效果。 本研究結果證實:(1)「品牌熟悉度高」相較於「品牌熟悉度低」有較佳 的消費者行為、(2)「自我揭露程度高」相較於「自我揭露程度低」有較佳的 消費者行為、(3)「品牌熟悉度高、訂閱數高時」,相較於「自我揭露度低」, 「自我揭露度高」能產生較佳的消費者行為、(4)擬社會互動在品牌熟悉度、 訂閱數、自我揭露程度與消費者行為間無中介效果影響。In the digital age, social media has become an important role in our life. Youtube have become the most popular video platform in the world and made a lot of new Youtubers popular on the internet. Youtubers profit from cooperate with the products company and make video to promote the products. It’s a new way to do the product placement online. Thus, to do the research on this new way of product placement online is necessary. The purpose of the current research is to explore the Ads effects of Youtuber’s product placement video on Youtube. A 2 (brand familiarity high vs. low) x 2 (subscribes numbers high vs. low) x 2 (self- disclosure degree high vs. low) between-subject design was conducted to examine if the variables could impact the advertising effects. And tested to see if the para-social interaction mediates the relationship between brand familiarity, self-disclosure degree, subscribes numbers and consumer behavior. The result of this research shows that: (1) compared to the low subscribe numbers of Youtube channel, high subscribe numbers leads to a better consumer behavior; (2) compared to the low self-disclosure, high self-disclosure degree in the Youtube product placement video leads to a better consumer behavior; (3) para social interaction is not a significant factor mediating the relationship between the brand familiarity with the consumer behavior, so do the subscribe number, self-disclosure degree and the consumer behavior.網路紅人YoutubeYoutuber業配擬社會互動品牌熟悉度自我揭露訂閱數廣告效果品牌態度購買意願product placement onlineuser- generated-contentadvertisement effectssubscribes numbersself- disclosureYoutube之品牌熟悉度、自我揭露程度、訂閱數對消費者行為之影響The Effect of Brand Familiarity, Self-disclosure, and Subscribe numbers on Consumer Behavior on Youtube學術論文