許華峰2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14926朱熹一生講學,眾多弟子留下許多筆記。朱子去世後,這些筆記漸漸匯集流傳,成為後人研究朱子學的重要依據。相關著作中,影響最大的是南宋黎靖德所編的《朱子語類》。由於此書採分類編排,且為求體例上的一致,對原語錄文字往往予以改動,以其它語錄相參照將有助於更適切地了解朱子。國立故宮博物院所藏兩種《晦庵先生朱文公語錄》殘本,是語錄中最早刊行的一種。由於此書保留了朱熹諸弟子較原始的記錄形式,現存約二千二百七十五條的語錄,提供我們許多有意義的線索。如更詳細的記錄時間地點、大量依時間順序編排的語錄、語錄的異文等。本文除了說明《晦庵先生朱文公語錄》的體例、內容,更指出這兩種殘本在朱子學研究上,提供了相關語錄條文繫年的重要依據,有助於研究朱子師生互動的概況,以及了解黎靖德《朱子語類》的編纂原則,補正「黎本」的錯誤等重要價值。As Zhu Xi lectured for life, many of his disciples kept quite a few notes. These notes were gradually collected and spread, they had become an important basis for the descendant to study Zhu Xi ever since his death. Amongst the related works, the one that had the greatest impact was “Zhuzi yu lei", which was compiled by Li Jingde (the Southern Song Dynasty). Its editing formation was by classifying and grouping. Meanwhile, for the sake of style consistency, it altered the text of the original quotations often. Therefore, with reference to the other quotations will contribute to a more appropriate understanding of Zhu Xi.There are two ""Hui'an xian sheng Zhu Wen'gong yu lu"" extant fragments collections in National Palace Museum. They were one of the earliest publicationamongst various quotations. As the books retains all of Zhu Xi's disciples' record in more original form, the existing approximately 2,275 quotations provide us with many useful clues, e.g. more detailed time and place of the records, a large number of styles which were recorded in chronological order, and quotations in different writings.This paper not only describes that ""Hui'an xian sheng Zhu Wen'gong yu lu"" in style and content, but also points out that in studies of School of Zhu Xi, the twovaluable extant fragments provide the related chronological quotation articles with important documentation. They help to study the profile of Zhu Xi's teacher-student interaction, understand the compiling principles of Li Jingde's “Zhuzi yu lei", and correct Li 's errors.朱熹語錄語類繫年Zhu Xiyu luyu leithe chronological quotation articles兩種《晦庵先生朱文公語錄》殘本對朱子學研究的價值Two “Hui'an xian sheng Zhu Wen'gong yu lu" Extant Fragments' Value toward The Research on School of Zhu Xi