蘇憲法陳麗環2020-12-102010-2-122020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095603106%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114931藝術創作的過程是透過生活體驗與情感的觸發,轉借各式的媒材呈現一個直接具體的情感;而藝術與我們的生活是相連結在一起的,我們的生活又是以「人」為主軸,探討人的生命意義和實踐生命的價值,是藝術創作非常重要的課題。 筆者因工作關係,每天與身心障礙的孩子生活在一起,從他們純真無邪的天性中,筆者感到很疑惑?他們的物質生活品質比一般人低弱,但他們不需承受壓力,不懂人生疾苦,他們到底是幸福還是不幸?我們對生命的價值又作何論斷?就他們因智能障礙的困擾,導致與他人溝通困難,使他們的情緒比一般人無法適當傳達與控制。我們的社會對他們的照顧與教育是不是還有提昇的空間?身為教育工作者,又能為他們作些什麼? 本論文的重點共分六章,謹摘要如下: 第一章:緒論──說明創作的動機和目的,將智能障礙者的情緒表達,透過面部表情和手勢交互動作等符號,建構青少年智能障礙者的情緒圖像。 第二章:創作理念和理論基礎──對智能障礙者與一般人不同的條件背景下,引發本創作的理念,並研究哲學家、藝術家的理論和作品,轉化為本創作的理論基礎。 第三章:創作內容──以智能障礙者直接、稚樸而毫不造假的情緒表白,參酌藝術史上的畫作,透過臉部的表情變化和手勢的肢體動作為本創作的內容。 第四章:創作形式與技法──運用當代藝術的表現形式和普普風的高彩度色彩,以誇大的頭像構圖,選用油畫材料、平塗技法實踐本創作。 第五章:作品解說與分析 第六章:結論──欲透過本創作,呼籲大眾對智能障礙者多付出一份關懷。Process of art creation is to present a direct and real emotion via various media materials through life experiences and touch of sentiment; as art is connected with our life while our life is “people” centered to explore the meaning of people’s life and fulfillment of life value, which is a very important subject to art creation. Due to the work, writer has to spend time living with children with disability everyday, where he got confused by their innocent nature, in which the quality of material life they have is lower than other normal people, but they don’t need to bear with pressure, not knowing the sufferings in life, whether they are lucky or unlucky? And how do we judge our life value? An issue of intellectual disability has caused a difficulty in communicating with others, they are unable to express and control their emotions than other normal people. Whether there is room for improvement in terms of our care and education provided by our society? And being an education worker, what can I possibly do for them? There are 6 major chapters in this paper, with outline summarized as below : Chapter 1 : introduction – specifying the motive and purpose; to express the emotion of intellectual disability via facial expression and gesture and other symbols to construct the emotion icons of teenagers with intellectual disability. Chapter 2 : creation concept and theory basis – different background between people with intellectual disability and normal people has triggered the concept of this creation and study theories and works of philosophers and artists, to transform into the theory basis of this creation. Chapter 3 : Contents of creation – introduce the way that people with intellectual disability clearly express their emotions directly, naively without pretending and refer to the paintings in art history, and introduce changes of facial expression and body movement of gesture as contents of this creation. Chapter 4 : creation type and skills – utilize the expression pattern of contemporary art and high chroma colors of POP art to compose the picture with exaggerated head portrait, with oil painting and coating method selected for creation implementation. Chapter 5 : work explanation and analysis Chapter 6 : conclusion : appeal the public to give their extra care to people with intellectual disability.智能障礙情緒手勢高彩度intellectual disabilityemotiongesturehigh chroma異視界---青少年智能障礙情緒圖像World of different vision ---intellectual disabilities emotion icons for teenagers