卜小蝶Dr. Pu, Hsiao-Tieh張淇龍Chang, Chi-Lung2019-08-282008-1-252019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094153109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89078近來以使用者為導向的社會性軟體蓬勃發展,其中社會性書籤網站為最具代表性的應用之一。這類網站主要提供使用者收集、分類、聚合與分享網路資源,而其中的標籤功能是讓使用者自行組織與詮釋這些網路資源,因此形成另一種網路資源的組織模式。這種由使用者自行定義標籤、以標籤分類的方式,有別於一般專家或中介者的組織模式,因此,本研究主要目的在探討社會性書籤網站使用者之標記行為特性,包括其使用動機、標籤內容特性、選擇標籤之原則與方法,同時也嘗試分析可能的影響因素。 本研究採用Q方法、內容分析法與訪談法。研究對象以HEMiDEMi黑米共享書籤、Yahoo!分享書籤、My Share與Search 2.0的28位使用者為主。標籤選擇影響因素包括(1)情境因素、(2)個人因素、(3)書籤因素與(4)社會因素,本研究進一步以上述因素作為Q方法陳述句之基礎,以探究使用者選擇標籤時所考量原則或方法,及因素影響的程度。本研究並收集研究對象的一個月書籤,以內容分析法來瞭解其標籤內容特性。最後訪談法則是用來探究使用動機。 研究結果顯示:(1)「個人需求」為使用書籤網站的主要動機,而「控制資料」與「連結書籤」則為使用標籤的主要動機;(2)研究對象之標籤內容特性包括具有個人風格、以中文與單詞結構為主;(3)依據研究對象之標籤選擇特性,可區分為四種類型,包括網路為中心的社會性、社群為中心的社會性、資訊為中心的社會性與隱密為中心的社會性。最後,本研究也提供一些網路資源組織的改善建議,提供圖書資訊人員或網路資訊服務業者之參考。Recently the user-oriented social software is flourishing, social bookmarking website is one of the most typical applications. It provide users to collect, classify, gather and share network resources, including the tagging function is to allows users to organize and interpret network resources. The users define and classify tags by themselves, unlike ordinary experts or intermediary organizational model. Therefore, the study investigate tagging behavior of the users in social bookmarking website, including their use of motivation, tags of contents, choose the principles and methods of tagging, but also to analyze the impact of possible factors. The study used Q methods, content analysis and interviews. Twenty-eight users in HEMiDEMI, Yahoo! Bookmark, My Share, and Search 2.0 test for the study. The choice of influential factors are: (1)situational factors, (2) personal factors, (3) bookmarks factors, and (4)social factors. The factors are the basis of declarative sentences for Q method, to explore users to choose the tagging consideration of the principles or methods, and the effects of factors. The study collect users’ one-month bookmarks to understand the content of the tag by content analysis. Finally, interviews is to explore the use of motivation. The results of study show that: (1) “ personal needs ” is the main motivation that using bookmarking website, “ control information ” is the main motivation that using tags, (2) the feature of tags include personal style, the Chinese form, and the structure of one-word, (3)based on the feature of choice tag, can be divided into four types: the network-centered sociality, the community-centered sociality, the information-centre sociality and the privacy-centered sociality. Finally, the study also provides some suggestions to improve network resources organizations, and gives the consultations for professionals in library information and network information services industry.社會性書籤網站標記動機標籤選擇Q方法Social bookmarking websiteTagging motivationChoice tagsQ methodology社會性書籤網站使用者之標記動機及標籤選擇因素之研究A Study of User's Tagging Motivation and Factors of Choice Tag in Social Bookmarking Website