劉美慧林立婷2019-08-282009-2-212019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694000145%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90087摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解資優班性別少數學生進入資優班就讀之選組歷程,並探討性別觀如何型塑他們的師生及同儕互動經驗以及自我概念。本研究以中部一所高中為研究場域,並選擇男女人數比例懸殊的語文資優班與數理資優班二個班級,以凸顯團體中「性別少數」之身份,其中語文資優班男生有7位,數理資優班女生有4位。本研究採質性研究的方式,透過訪談、觀察與文件分析等方法,蒐集並檢證資料。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、性別少數學生強化自身所選擇類組的成績或學科知識價值,並以此為選組之 考量。語文資優班性別少數學生強調資優班之成績優勢,受到資優班頭銜吸 引而選擇社會組,而數理資優班性別少數學則強調數理優於人文之學科知識 價值差異,從社會價值觀中肯定自己的選擇,亦是影響選組歷程之重要因素。 二、同為團體中的性別少數,他/她們學習經驗之差異與社會性別有關,受到社會文化建構的性別關係影響,性別少數學生進行性別分工與權力分配,不斷再製性別刻板印象。 三、性別少數學生藉由強化自身在資優班的優勢或過度強調自己的劣勢,以補償社會刻板印象中他/她們「應該」具備的性別地位和氣質。語文資優班性別少數學生強調資優班優勢、批判假自然組現象與在語文資優班做老大,以補償在男生擅理之刻板印象中喪失的男子氣概。數理資優班性別少數學生放大自己的弱勢與女子氣質,以補償雙重優勢之下所減損的女子氣概。 四、對於師生互動不同的解讀與自信心的強弱影響性別少數學生的課堂參與。師生互動對語文資優班性別少數學生而言是一種壓力,因此慶幸自己是配角角色,而數理資優班性別少數學生則希望藉由參與上課互動提升能力與增加被看見的機會。 根據以上研究結果,本研究提出的建議如下: 一、對於影響性別少數學生選組歷程因素之建議:我們應解構學科性別刻板化及數理科技為優之價值觀,並且改變成績至上的觀念,重視學生興趣。 二、對於影響資優班性別少數學生學習適應歷程之學習環境之建議:鼓勵性別少數學生與教師及同儕互動。教師不只應消極地避免傳達性別偏見的言語或舉動,更應積極地提升性別意識。教師在班級經營時應考量性別少數的感受,聆聽性別少數的需求,賦予發聲的機會。學校課程結構與內容應傳達學科知識無性別及優劣之分的觀念。資優班之課程安排應加入性別平等教育,並融入至學科的課程教學中。 關鍵字:高中資優班、性別少數學生、學習經驗、自我概念Abstract The purposes of this research are to understand how gender minority students choose their majors before studying in elite classes in high schools, and also to investigate how gender affects their interaction with both teachers and peers. To emphasize on the gender inequality, two target groups are chosen to be studied, one language gifted class with seven male students and another mathematics and science gifted class with four female students. Adopting the qualitative method, this research is carried out through interviews, observations and document analysis. The following results are obtained from this research: 1. Gender minority students enhance their achievement in class and the knowledge value, which is regarded as the basis of choosing a major. 2. Learning experiences of male and female minority students are different as they are influenced by established gender stereotypes. The situation is especially obvious when delegating tasks or distributing powers. 3. To alter traditional gender stereotypes, gender minority students highlight their advantages in classes and pay extra attention to their disadvantages. 4. Class participation of gender minority students is influenced by different interpretations of interaction and by how confident they are. With the above results, this research suggests: 1. Suggestions for the factors influencing gender minority students when choosing a major To abandon gender stereotypes of majors and the idea that mathematics and science major is better than others and to pay attention to students’ interests instead of their achievement. 2. Suggestions for learning environment for gender minority students in an elite class To encourage gender minority students to interact more with teachers and peers. Teachers should not only carefully avoid any language or action related to gender bias but also positively raise the awareness of gender in class. Teachers should concern about the feelings and the needs of gender minority students and ensure students are given the opportunities to express their thoughts. Taught courses are supposed to convey the ideas that majors are neither specifically oriented toward male or female nor one major is better than another.Gender equity education is advised to include in the curriculum in an elite class. Key word: high school gifted class、minority students、studying experience、self-concept高中資優班性別少數學生學習經驗自我概念高中資優班性別少數學生學習經驗之探究