譚光鼎李桂芳Lee Kuei Fang2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098003205%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89766在以軍事為研究範疇的軍事心理學(Military Psychology),將軍事組織成員感受壓力的現象視為研究的重點,孫敏華及許如亭所編寫之專書亦有提出,因此在軍事情境下如何面對壓力,找出適當的因應策略實是一個重要的課題。 本研究旨在探究軍校生壓力源、因應策略及其相關因素,以空軍官校學生為範圍,由背景變項(年級、科系、入學背景、就讀軍校原因)進行討論。研究結果顯示: 一、空軍官校學生的壓力源以「公差勤務」為最高,以「軍事化管理」為最低。 二、空軍官校學生的因應策略以「理性解決問題」為最高,以「延宕消極調適」為最低。 三、不同年級、科系的空軍官校學生在壓力源有顯著差異,不同入學背景、就讀軍校原因的空軍官校學生在壓力源無顯著差異。 四、不同年級、科系、就讀軍校原因的空軍官校學生在因應策略有顯著差異,不同入學背景的空軍官校學生在因應策略無顯著差異。 五、空軍官校學生「壓力源」與「因應策略」具有典型相關存在,有兩個典型相關係數達到顯著。In the field of military psychology studying military affair, the pressure upon military members is the focus which has been addressed by Sun Ming-hua and Hsu Ju-ting. Hence, how to face pressure under the military scenario and seek a coping strategy is a critical issue. This study aims to explore pressure source, coping strategies and factors for air force military academy students by means of population statistics (including grade, major, enrollment way, registration reason). The results are as follows: 1.Their highest pressure came from business errands whereas the lowest one was military management. 2.Their coping strategies ranked reasonable solution the highest and the lowest was delayed negative adaption. 3.There was a significant difference for various graders and majors in terms of pressure source. In contrast, students with various backgrounds and registration reason presented no significant difference. 4.There was a significant difference for various graders, majors and registration reasons in coping strategies. However, students with various backgrounds presented no significant difference in this respect. 5.With respect to pressure source and coping strategies, there was canonical correlation for subjects in which two coefficients were significant.軍校生壓力源因應策略Military StudentsPressure Sourcecoping strategies軍校生的壓力源、因應策略及其相關因素之研究-以空軍軍官學校為例A Study on Pressure Source, Coping Strategy and Factors by Military Students –A Case Study of ROC Air Force Academy