國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系李明芬黃靖惠陳焜銘洪文斌2014-10-302014-10-302010-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/33874本研究計劃將探討的有機健康的知識建構與整全實踐,其所根基的生命整體觀與健 康整全觀乃以人類之間、人與土地環境之間、以及人與其他物種之間的倫理實踐為核 心,藉由非制式學習所創造的參與、對話、行動、反省、實踐的學習體驗,這幾個層次 的倫理實踐也將與知識的整合得以充份結合。 本研究計劃規畫以三年的時間從「全觀的系統思惟」探討「非制式學習社群」有機 健康學習的知識建構與整全系統設計的參與實踐。以下簡要敘述本研究計劃之研究目 的:  建構整全有機健康之知識系統與整全實踐策略,以推廣整全健康之實踐。  引導非制式學習社群從實證知識的獲取,提升至社群之深度對話,以及知識之轉化 及統整,社群之公共參與,以推動有利環境生態及整全健康之政策。  回歸環境永續的核心價值,建立整全的有機健康意識,推廣整全有機健康 之全球意識與社會實踐。 第一年的研究方法主要為文本分析、深度晤談、焦點訪談與理論建構,除了 分析有機健康及有機環保之知識網絡,及社會公眾的知識建構,也整合「全觀系統思惟」 與「整全有機論世界觀」之內涵,藉由「專家焦點座談」與「深度晤談」,汲取其有機 健康之豐厚多元知識,以根據哈柏馬斯之「知識建構理論」,統整「整全」之有機健康 知識系統。 第二年則以「世界咖啡館」創造非制式學習社群對於有機健康之整全知識與實踐之 集體智慧,並運用『參與式設計』進行非制式學習社群之「方案設計」,和組織之間可 以策略合作之系列課程與活動,乃至跨組織之共同系列課程與活動。 第三年主要在融合世界咖啡館的生命故事分享、深度對話、觀點連結、知識統整, 根據「內容設計」、「介面設計」和「系統設計」之原則,建構「網路世界咖啡館」。並 且以「參與式設計」和「系統設計理論」設計組織內與跨組織間之體驗、創新、整全之 學習課程。 本研究所欲建構之整全學習系統將是一個創造有機健康之深度對話與整全實踐的 「網路世界咖啡館」,透過網路的深度對話與知識之反省,促成非制式學習社群知識建 構與實踐之轉化,並持續地進行環境永續、環境倫理和整全健康的終身學習。This study aims at constructing an integrated learning system for enhancing the public’s knowledge transformation and holistic practice to lead healthy organic lives. It is expected that through the informal learning communities’ participation in collective design of such an integrated learning system, deep dialogue and understanding, social responsibilities and collective action on global sustainability could be achieved. The ultimate goals of this three-year project are listed as below: which purpose is threefold:  To construct an integrated knowledge system and design holistic practice approaches for enhancing the public’s understanding of integral wellness.  To transform the informal learning communities’ knowledge construction of organic health from the knowledge acquisition level to the dialogical and critical level for both humans’ and the environment’s sustainable development.  To foster the public’s core value of environmental sustainability and enhance social responsibilities and global action on integral health。 In order to achieve these goals, the study will be carried out during three years, with different focuses in each year.  In the first year, the study will adopt textual analysis, in-depth interview, focus group and theory construction to integrate the diverse information and knowledge about organic chemistry, organic agriculture, organic product and organic living. In addition, the public’s knowledge construction process needs to probe so that they could engage in both knowledge transformation and social action of both human and environmental health.  In the second year, the study will adopt World Cafe and Participatory Design Inquiry to foster deep dialogues among the informal learning communities. During these deep dialogues, design scenarios will be embedded for enhancing their design thinking and action. The purpose is to design systemic learning programs of integral health within and across various communities or even organizations.  In the third year, the study will be focusing on designing an integrated learning system for the informal communities to engage in on-line world cafe. To transform the face-to-face world cafe into the on-line world cafe, not only would knowledge construction and systems theories be applied, system design, content design and interface design of an on-line learning system would be essentially applied. It is expected that such an on-line world cafe, an integrated learning system of organic health, is not simply an integral knowledge website, but an interactive and inclusive social environment for knowledge transformation and social actions on the sustainable development of human society and environmental ecology.以全觀的系統思惟探討「整全健康」之知識建構與社會實踐---非制式學習社群參與有機健康學習之整全系統設計