邱貴發Chiou, Guey-Fa黃筑Huang, Chu2019-08-292021-12-052019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060208022E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92731本研究針對基本分數單位量概念與真分數、假分數及帶分數單元,設計一套遊戲式互動APP,期利用遊戲互動方式和圖像情境的配合,幫助學生認識分數的意義,澄清迷思概念,並經由遊戲式互動APP學習歷程,檢驗學生學習態度、學習成效、教材設計及互動操作模式之滿意度。 本研究採單組前後測實驗設計,研究對象為新北市新店區某國小三年級生,共52人。整體過程中共有三款不同的遊戲式互動APP及學習內容,首先,是分數單位量的基本概念介紹,期利用動畫及互動操作學習真分數、假分數、帶分數的概念與相互之間轉換能力,最後,帶入同分母分數比大小的學習單元。本研究有別於傳統課程講述和其他數位教學方式,盼藉由遊戲式互動APP學習,能提升學生對學習分數之成效,改善學習態度,以寓教於樂的方式,透過發現錯誤,解決問題的學習過程,教導分數的正確概念。 研究結果顯示,學生在使用APP後成績明顯提升,學生能夠透過遊戲式互動APP學習到分數概念,學生對分數學習、教材設計及互動操作均持正向觀點。由訪談得知,學生和老師認為在未學過真分數、假分數及帶分數單元下,透過APP呈現的數位內容和互動操作功能,能幫助學生學習分數概念且得到學習樂趣。本研究提供了未來數位教材改進及發展的方向。This research was to design an interactive fraction APP for third graders whom often have misconceptions of fraction unit concepts when learning mixed fraction, proper fraction, and improper fraction. Different interactive games were used to help students learn fraction concepts and these effects on students’ mathematical learning attitude, learning performance, and APP satisfaction were assessed. A Single-group pretest-posttest design was implemented. The participants were two classes of the third graders with 52 students in total at New Taipei city. There are three game-supported interactive APPs, the first APP is for the basic concept of the fractional unit, and the second APP is for the proper fraction, improper fractions and mixed numbers concepts and the conversion between them. And the third APP is for comparing the size of same denominator fraction. The results indicated a significant improvement in students’ learning achievement, which means students could learn fraction concept via playing the game-supported interactive Apps. Students were holding a positive learning attitude toward fraction learning, having high satisfaction toward APPs and interaction. Interview data showed the APP not only can help students learn fraction concepts but also can make learning enjoyable. This study can provide the directions for designing digital game-based learning APPs for elementary students’ mathematics learning.遊戲學習分數單位量互動Game-based LearningAPPFraction UnitInteraction遊戲式互動APP對學生分數概念學習的影響Effects of Game-supported Interactive APP on Fraction Concepts Learning.