張育愷Chang, Yu-Kai陳泰睿Chen, Tai-Rui2023-12-082025-07-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/98c20179b32420163d0f2ab5a2062e79/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121460抑制控制係一執行功能成分,為心理健康、學習及工作成就及社會發展的必要能力。統合分析指出,急性健身運動可增進抑制控制,且有氧及阻力健身運動型態皆產生效益。結合兩種運動型態的同時健身運動可以增加生長激素等賀爾蒙反應,且相較於單一型態健身運動,進行同時健身運動對於增進身體適能有更多效益。然尚未有研究探討結合該兩種運動成分之同時健身運動對於抑制控制之效果。本研究結合測量神經電生理指標及生理指標對急性健身運動後效益進行探討,採用事件關聯電位及血乳酸測量,觀察P3振幅及血乳酸的變化,並進一步分析血乳酸是否為急性健身運動與抑制控制變化的中介因子。本研究目的為:一、探討急性同時健身運動對抑制控制之影響。二、探討同時健身運動對於P3振幅之影響。三、探討血乳酸是否為中介因子。本研究招募78位成人,隨機分派至同時健身運動組、有氧健身運動組及閱讀控制組,分別進行同時健身運動、有氧健身運動以及閱讀。並對抑制控制進行前、後測。以單因子共變數分析抑制控制測驗之反應時間、準確率和P3振幅,以四步驟法進行血乳酸中介分析。結果發現同時健身運動組之抑制控制作業表現優於閱讀控制組,且與有氧健身運動組相同。然三組之P3振幅無顯著差異。中介分析則顯示血乳酸非中介因子。總體而言,進行急性同時健身運動對抑制控制有效益,未來可進一步以同時健身運動之順序是否影響其對抑制控制之效益。Inhibition control is a high-level cognition which plays an important role in academic performance, career, and interpersonal relationship. Previous meta-analysis study has demonstrated that either acute aerobic or resistance exercise could improve inhibition control. However, it is still unclear whether inhibition control can be enhanced by the concurrent exercise that combines aerobic and resistance exercise. The purposes of this study are: (1) Measuring the effect of acute concurrent exercise on executive function. (2) Measuring the effect of acute concurrent exercise on P3 amplitude. (3) Measuring whether the effect of acute concurrent exercise on inhibition is mediated by blood lactate. 78 adults were recruited and randomly assigned to the concurrent exercise group, aerobic exercise group and reading control group. Stroop test reaction time, accuracy and P3 amplitude were analyzed by one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and blood lactate analyzed to determine whether as mediator or not. The results indicated inhibition control was improved by both, while both demonstrated no effect on P3. Nevertheless, mediation analysis showed that blood lactate was not a mediator. In conclusion, acute concurrent exercise is beneficial to inhibitory control. Future study could investigate that whether the odder effect of concurrent exercise would moderate the effect on inhibition control.執行功能抑制功能急性健身運動血乳酸acute exerciseinhibitionexecutive functionblood lactate急性同時健身運動對抑制控制之影響:事件關聯電位研究The Effect of Acute Concurrent Exercise on Inhibition Control: An Event-Related Potential Studyetd