丁仁Ting, Jen彭于珊Peng, Yu-Shan2023-12-082023-02-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/bce0c7c1ee11e11e879cb174453c323f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120633本論文旨在探討現代漢語同時性時間副詞子句的四種句型:(1)...的時候(2)在...的時候(3)當...的時候(4)...時。前人文獻包含五個具有爭議性的議題。首先,Gasde& Paul (1996)認為「...的時候」句型是以隱性介系詞為中心語的介系詞詞組,而Liou (2003)、Hu (2016)、Pan & Paul (2018) 認為是限定詞組 (DP)。其次,「...的時候」的結構有以下幾種分析:帶有後置詞補語的介系詞詞組(Gasde & Paul 1996)、名詞補語子句(Hu 2016)、關係子句(Liou 2003, Pan & Paul 2018, Wei & Li 2018, Yip & Chen 2021)。其三,「當」被視為介系詞(Hu 2016, Pan & Paul 2018)或補語標記(Yip & Chen 2021)。其四,Yip & Chen (2021) 認為「當...的時候」沒有時間運符(temporal operator)之移動;此分析與Haegeman (2009, 2010)相左,其認為時間副詞子句的運符移動具語言的普遍性。最後,「時」在文獻中被視為附著語素(clitic)(Hu 2016, Yip & Chen 2021),本論文論證其表現與位置詞「前/後」呈現高度相似。 本論文主張這四個句型均是以顯性(overt)或隱性(covert)「在」為中心語的介系詞詞組。「...的時候」是一個帶有時間運符移動的關係子句,「當」為補語標記,「時」是一個表達時間關係的位置詞。此外,本論文之分析顯示現代漢語與英語及韓語的同時性時間副詞子句表現相似,三者均為帶有時間運符移動之關係子句的介系詞片語;進而表示此分析對於時間副詞子句可能有語言的普遍性。The aim of this thesis is to examine Chinese counterparts of English when temporal adverbial clauses (TAC), including four patterns: ...de shihou, zai...de shihou, dang...de shihou, and ...shi. We review six previous studies and investigate five contentious issues. ① The first issue concerns the phrasal category of ...de shihou; it is proposed to take the form of PP (Gasde& Paul 1996) or DP (Hu 2016, Liou 2003, Pan & Paul 2018). ② The second issue concerns the analysis of shihou; it is considered a postposition together with de (Gasde & Paul 1996), a noun following a noun complement clause (Hu 2016) or following a relative clause (Liou 2003, Pan & Paul 2018, Wei & Li 2018, Yip & Chen 2021). ③ The third issue concerns the categorial status of dang; it is deemed as a preposition (Hu 2016, Pan & Paul 2018) or a subordinator at C (Yip & Chen 2021). ④ The fourth issueconcerns existence of temporal operator movement in dang...de shihou; Yip& Chen (2021) claim that there is no operator movement, which contradicts Haegeman’s (2009, 2010, 2012) claim that operator movement in TACs is language universal. ⑤ The fifth issue concerns the analysis of shi; it is treated as a clitic that attaches to a preceding clause (Hu 2016, Yip & Chen 2021); however, we will show that it exhibits significant parallelism with localizers qian/hou ‘before/after’. We propose that the four patterns are PPs with an overt or covert zai and involve temporal operator movement. ...de shihou takes the form of an adjunct relative clause, in which C can be an overt or covert dang; shi is a localizer that takes a preceding DP complement, resulting in a LP. In addition, our analysis shows that Chinese when-TACs behave analogously to English and Korean when-TACs: they all involve relative clauses with operator movement and are in the form of PP. This suggests that the shared analysis for when-TACs may be language universal.時間副詞子句時間位置詞現代漢語「的時候」「當」temporal adverbial clausetemporal localizerMandarin Chinesede-shihoudang現代漢語同時性時間副詞子句之句法分析A Syntactic Analysis of the When Temporal Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chineseetd