謝建成Shieh, Jiann-Cherng林黃瑋Lin, Huang-Wei2019-08-282016-2-102019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097153110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89137對於使用者而言,要在為數眾多的網站中找到所需的資訊可透過搜尋引擎的協助來達成目的;但對於網站內的資訊則必須要依靠網站設計者的設計思維,在資訊量較少的網站中,使用者對站內資訊較能掌握,因此在使用時較少遭遇到問題。 網站設計師與使用性專家,多年來一直在爭辯使用者找到所需內容時,最好不要超過幾下滑鼠,以免感到厭煩、困擾。有些網站上甚至有設計守則,連往站內任何一頁時,絕對不能超過一定的滑鼠點擊次數(通常是3、4或5次)。 本研究是以大學圖書館網站使用者為中心,利用卡片分類法分析圖書館網站在不同廣度與深度架構之下對使用者的影響,以分析出可幫助使用者有效且快速找到所需資訊的網站資訊架構模式,作為圖書館網站管理與改版時的參考。本研究最後經由不同廣度與深度資訊架構網站做任務導向尋獲度測試及變異數分析,證實本研究所提出網站廣度與深度的資訊架構,確實能有效提昇大學圖書館網站尋獲度。 最後根據研究結果對現行國立臺灣師範大學圖書館網站提出三點建議:一、設計符合使用者期待之網站資訊架構;二、定期進行網站尋獲度調查;三、應善用網站特性推廣圖書館資源與服務。With the help of search engines, the users can find information required among a large number of websites. But it relies on the web designers to present information. Users can absorb information and encounter less problem on websites consisting less information. Over the years, websites designers and usability experts has been arguing over the issue of limiting the number of clicks to prevent boring users when reaching target website. There are even design principles to prevent the clicks from exceeding certain times when linking to any page in the website. This research is based on university library website users, utilizing library website card sorting methods of different breadth and depth, to analyse website framework patterns to help users to acquire necessary information efficiently and precisely. This analysis will be used as a reference to library website management an update. Eventually, through task-oriented findability test and variables analysis on website structure of different breadth and depth, the research would greatly help exposing university library website. Based on the results of the National Taiwan Normal University library current website to put forward three proposals: 1.designed to meet the user expectations of the site information architecture. 2.regular investigation on website findability test. 3.promote library resource and service with website feature.卡片分類法網站廣度網站深度尋獲度Card SortingBreadthDepthFindability網站深度與廣度對尋獲度影響之研究A Study on the effectiveness of Findability in Websites Depth and Breadth