江怡嫺童武夫葉增勇2014-10-272014-10-272000-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6963本報告以南方靈芝(Ganoderma australe )種內具遺傳變異之三個代表菌株:TAI-12、TAI-08 和FL-01為研究對象,探討純培養菌絲體生長特性和生理性狀之異同。結果顯示三個菌株之純培養菌絲體均呈白色或淺色,生殖茵絲(generative hyphae )具有扣子體(clamp connection),且有特化的角質化細胞(cuticular cell)。在細胞外氧化酵素(extracellular oxidase)的測試中,均含有漆氧化酵素(laccase)及過氧化酵素(peroxidase),但缺少酪胺酸酵素(tyrosinase),屬於木材白色腐朽茵(white rotting fungus )。 純培養茵絲體的生理性狀測試結果,三個供試菌株在馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基(PDA)之最適生長溫度均為28℃;在麥芽抽出物培養基(MEA)之最適生長溫度,則具明顯差異。最適生長之酸鹼度均偏酸性,但最適生長酸鹼度則有差異。最適生長的葡萄糖濃度介於80~120g/L範圍之間。無機氮氮源(NH4N03)濃度的測試結果,TAI-08、TAI-12在0.02N,而FL-01在0.04N時生長最佳。有機氮氮源(L-Asparagine )之生理測試,其生長趨勢隨著濃度增加而漸佳。由實驗結果發現三個具有遺傳變異的供試菌株(在分類地位上雖屬於同一物種),顯然在純培養茵絲體生長特性或生理性狀上已至現出差異性。Three genetically differentiated pure cultures of Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat. :TAI -12, TAI -08 and FL-01 were used for cultural and physiological studies. Morphological characters were observed as the white to light color of mycelial mats, clamped generative hyphae and the appearance of cuticular cells in culture. The positive reaction in extracellular oxidases which included laccase and peroxidase but negative in tyrosinase, indicated that they belong white rotting fungi. The results of physiological tests showed as following: 1.Optimum temperature for the mycelial growth of the three cultures were all the same at 28℃ on PDA media but different on MEA media. 2 Optimum pH for growth of the three cultures was in acidic condition but with a little differences among them. 3.Glucose concentration at 80-120 g/L was the optimum concentration for the mycelial growth. 4.Optimum nitrogen concentration of anmmonium nitrate ( NH4NO3 ) was at 0.02 N for TAI-12 and TAI-08, but at 0.04 N for FL-01. Whereas the growth of mycelia was in proportion to the concentration of L-Asparagine (organic nitrogen form) in the range of 0-0.04 N of nitrogen. Although the three cultures belong the same taxonomic species, however, the growth of myceliahad shown some variations in cultural and physiological studies.南方靈芝純培養菌絲體生長特性生理性狀測試Ganoderma australePure cultureCultural studiesPhysiological studies南方靈芝Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat. 種內純培養菌絲體之生長特性及生理性狀之測試Cultural and Physiological Studies of Three Isolates of Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat.