陳李綢Chen, Li-Chou陳金奇Chen, Chin-Chi2023-12-082023-08-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2859670c105ea01e39e13488e77e03ea/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119608教師的壓力來源及可能的影響,在近年來國內外已有相當實證研究,我國在2019年將「教師支持」的工作,正式納入教師法及相關法令中,本研究以中小學以下教師為對象,研究目的為瞭解教師工作壓力、情緒智力、壓力因應等之間的關係,以及實施團體方案,幫助教師覺察自我、紓解工作壓力,增進心理健康。本研究有兩項子研究:研究一為編製適用於教師支持系統的研究工具,以問卷調查方式,二次取樣數分別為601份及143份,驗證量表的建構效度與效標關聯效度,與實證資料的適配性。研究二,以MANOVA、ANOVA探究各研究變項間的差異性,以SEM驗證可能的影響模式。研究結果,顯示教師工作壓力與情緒智力及因應策略呈現負相關,情緒智力與因應策略呈現正相關。情緒智力對於因應策略、正向心理健康具影響關係,而情緒智力與因應策略對於工作壓力則無影響。以準實驗設計方式,透過正向心理團體方案,觀察教師工作壓力、情緒智力、因應策略及正向心理健康的前、後測及追蹤測驗的改變。招募41位教師分為三組,分別進行不同的團體方案,為期二個月,實驗組為9位教師,對照組A、B各16位教師。研究結果,實驗組相較於對照組更具有效果。本研究有助於瞭解教師工作壓力、情緒智力、因應策略及正向心理健康之間的關係,並作為規劃教師支持團體方案時參考,以期能促進教師之心理健康。The stressor on teachers and their possible impacts have been quite empirically studied at abroad in recent years. In 2019, Taiwan officially incorporated the work of “teacher support” into the laws and regulations. This study focuses on teachers below primary and secondary schools, the purpose of the research is to understand the relationship among teachers’ stress, emotional intelligence, coping strategies, etc., and to implement group program to help teachers realize themselves, relieve stress, and improve mental health. There are two sub-studies in this study: Study 1 is to develop research tools suitable for teachers’ support system. The numbers of sample are 601 and 143, to verify the construct validity and criterion-related validity of the scale, and the fit of the scale to the empirical data. Study 2, MANOVA and ANOVA were used to verify the difference analysis, and SEM was used to verify the possible impact model. The results of the study showed that teachers’ stress was negatively correlated with emotional intelligence and coping strategies, and positively correlated with emotional intelligence and coping strategies. Emotional intelligence has an impact on coping strategies and positive mental health, but emotional intelligence and coping strategies have no effect on stress. In a quasi-experimental design, through the positive psychological group program, the changes in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up tests of teachers’ stress, emotional intelligence, coping strategies and positive psychological health were observed. There were 41 teachers join the group program and divided into three groups, each of which carried out different group programs for a period of two months. The experimental group consisted of 9 teachers, and the control group A and B each had 16 teachers. The results of the study showed that the experimental group was more effective than the control group. This research is helpful to understand the relationship among teachers’ stress, emotional intelligence, coping strategies and positive mental health, and it can be used as a reference when planning teacher support group programs, in order to promote teachers’ mental health.工作壓力情緒智力因應策略正向心理心理健康stressemotional intelligencecoping strategiespositive psychologymental health教師支持系統模式驗證暨正向心理團體方案之效果Validation of teachers support model and the effectivensss of a positive psychology group programetd