吳和堂吳卿銣Ho-Tang WuChing-Ju Wu2019-08-122019-08-122014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80495本研究旨在探討學校護理人員的健康概念與工作滿意度對其幸福戚之關聯性。以現任中小學之護理人員為調查對象,經立意抽樣,共抽取326人,施以自編之健康概念量表、工作滿意度量表及幸福戚量表。此三量表都是先依據文獻,編出預試問卷後,再經預試過程(項目分析、因素分析、信度分析),結果顯示三個量表具有良好的信效度。回收的資料經SPSS 17.0版進行相關之分析後發現,根據積差相關與典型相關,健康概念與幸福戚、工作滿意度與幸福戚呈顯著正相關。根據階層迴歸,在控制工作年資、婚姻狀況、薪資報酬等背景變項之下,健康概念對幸福戚其有高度的額外解釋力,對工作滿意度也有額外解釋力,但遠低於健康概念。就此等發現,本研究建議:一、校護可再提升安適的健康概念,以增進幸福廠;二、行政當局應檢討校護的待遇與福利;三、未來的研究可擴大範圍。In this study, we investigated the relevance of school nurses' concept of health and job satisfaction to their sense of well-being. We chose 326 school nurses currently working in elementary and junior high schools as the participants by using purposive sampling. Next, we prepared a concept-of-health scale, a job satisfaction scale, and a well-being scale to survey these participants. The three scales were developed based on the extant literature. The pretest questionnaire was tested using a pretest procedure (consisting of item analysis, factor analysis, and reliability analysis), and the results indicated that all three scales exhibited favorable reliability and validity. We used SPSS 17.0 to conduct related analyses, on the collected data, the Pearson product-moment correlation and the canonical correlation of which revealed that both the concept of health and job satisfaction exerted a significant and positive effect on the sense of well-being. For the hierarchical regression analysis, we controlled the background variables "number of years at work," "marital status", and "salary" and determined that the concept of health exhibited high level of additional explanatory power on the sense of wellbeing. Job satisfaction also exhibited additional explanatory power on the sense of well-being, but affected well-being significantly less than the concept of health did. Based on these results, we offer the following recommendations: 1) improving school nurses can enhance their concept of health to improve their sense of well-being; 2) administrative authorities should review the salary and benefits of school nurses; and 3) prospective research can be improved by adopting our findings.工作滿意度幸福感健康概念學校護理人Job satisfactionWell-beingHealth conceptionSchool nurse學校護理人員的健康概念、正作滿意度與幸福感之關聯性研究Relationships among Health Conception, Job Satisfaction and Well-being of School Nurses