周儒CHOU JU黃麗珊HUANG LI-SHAN2019-09-052014-2-122019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060046014S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103631隨著時代變遷與環境資源快速的開發趨勢,民間環保團體在推行相關環境保護工作時,經常面臨資金難尋的情況。在這樣的狀況下企業的贊助與支持往往給予環境學習中心重要的後盾。關渡自然公園為臺灣自2011年開始施行環境教育法之後,第一個通過環境教育設施場所認證的民間單位,同時也是台灣進行溼地環境教育的優質場域,更與滙豐銀行長年合作推動溼地保育與環境教育。因此,雙方於合作關係建立及資源挹注的模式上,是國內許多環境學習中心請益的對象。 本研究以社會交換理論為基礎,以關渡自然公園與滙豐銀行長期合作推動溼地環境教育活動做為案例進行個案研究,目的在瞭解環境學習中心與企業之間的互動模式與合作關係,以及合作過程中所可能面臨的困難與挑戰。以社會交換理論所強調的構面:社會吸引、信任與承諾、共同價值觀為核心。探究雙方進行社會交換之行為,瞭解雙方如何達到互惠互信、共存共榮,是否因為資源與價值理念的交換,共同創造彼此的目標與願景之實現。 研究結果發現,對於關渡自然公園來說,這樣的合作關係得以支持實現組織在溼地保護的使命,並且增強組織知名度與信譽;對於滙豐銀行來說,則為本身建立良好的社會形象,透過動員員工與客戶的參與,擴大推動溼地保育行動,實踐滙豐銀行的企業社會責任理念,並在雙方合作關係中落實企業核心理念於環保與教育概念的行動。With the era of rapid change and environmental resources development trend, NGOs in the implementation of the relevant environmental protection work, is often faced difficulty of funding situation. Corporate sponsorship and support is often given important back-up to Environmental Learning Center. The Guandu Natural Park is the first environmental education facility after the Act of Environmental Education passed in 2011 at Taiwan. Guandu Natural Park is not a high-quality wetland environmental education field, but with HSBC for many years of cooperation to promote wetland conservation and environmental education. Therefore, in partnership building and the pattern on the influx of capital, is the center of many Environmental Learning Centers to ask for the object. This research uses the Social Exchange Theory, taking the Guandu natural park to conduct the case study as the object, the interactive model and cooperation of goals in the understanding between Environment Learning Center and enterprise, exchanged the important construction scope that the theory emphasized the social attracts, trust, commitments and values. This result of the study finds, for Guandu Natural Park, such a cooperation relation can support to realize the mission organizing being protected in the wetland, and strengthen and organize popularity and prestige; As to HSBC, says set up good social image for itself, through mobilizing staff and participation of customer, expands and promotes the wetland child care action, practices its corporate social responsibility and implement enterprise's key idea in the cooperation relations of both sides in environmental protection and action of educational concept.環境教育社會交換理論環境學習中心Environmental EducationSocial Exchange TheoryEnvironmental Learning Center以社會交換理論探討關渡自然公園與滙豐銀行合作推展環境教育Exploring Guandu Nature Park and HSBC cooperation to promote environmental education by Social Exchange Theory