唐孝蘭葉國樑2014-10-272014-10-272001-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18009本教學研究以資源回收環境價值為主要內容,探討價值澄清法應用在資源回收教育上之教學成效。研究者以價值澄清法設計一套關於資源回收的自編教材,對143 名國中一年級學生進行資源回收教學介入,並於教學介入前後以結構式問卷施測。研究發現在後測結果中,有/無意圖之研究對象在「結果評價」、「態度」「資源 回收認知」上,達到整體性之顯著差異。此外,從事資源回收之行為意圖與「結果評價」、「態度」、「自我效能」呈現顯著正相關,即此三類信念會直接影響其行 為意圖。而外在變項方面,研究對象本身從事資源回收之經驗與資源回收行為意圖呈現顯著相關,表示學生具有資源回收經驗者,其資源要收行為意圖愈強。另外, 價值澄清教學法在「結果評價」、「態度」、「自我效能」、「行為意圖」、「資源回收認知」及「環境敏感度」上,後測分數均較前測分數較高,表示此種教學方 法對於資源回收教育具有其教學效果。The main purpose of this study was to apply values clarification approach to make the teaching effects resources recycling education, and to explore the effects of values clarification approach. The sample was selected from 143 students of junior high schools in Taipei. In order to explore the teaching effects of the values clarification approach, the study gave the students two tests before and after teaching intervention. Between recycling intenders and non-resources recycling intenders of all the students, there were significant differences in evaluation, attitude, resources recycling knowledge. The evaluation, attitude, self-efficacy of all the students were significantly positively related to the recycling intention. The variables of having recycling experience in a month could effectively predict the recycling intention of students. There were the positively effects in evaluation, attitude, self-efficacy recycling intention, resources recycling knowledge, environmental sensitivity in values clarification approach.環境教育資源回收價值澄清Environmental educationResources recyclingValues clarification探討價值澄清法在資源回收教學上之應用The Study of the Effects of Values Clarification on Resources Recycling Teaching