齊汝萱Chi, Ruu-shiuan2019-08-122019-08-122017-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84302有清一代,民間秘密宗教盛行於底層社會。清初盛行的教派,主要是明代後期民間秘密宗教的延展,其後,各地的民間秘密宗教活動更加頻繁,教派案件層出不窮,新興教派如雨後春筍,屢禁不絕。至乾隆年間(1736-1795),民間秘密宗教除自明代延續傳承的教門外,尚有清初所創立的教門,再加以此一時期出現的新興教門,使得嘉慶年間(1796-1820)至道光年間(1821-1850)民間秘密宗教的傳習與活動更加活躍,甚至發生數起規模較大的民間秘密宗教叛亂事件。除此之外,其他規模較小的教門在傳教及其活動於底層社會中,亦呈現欣欣向榮的樣貌。到了清朝後期,民間秘密宗教的活動仍舊活躍,可以說民間秘密宗教的發展貫穿整個清代底層社會。因此,民間秘密宗教的研究即成為研究清代底層社會相當重要的一環,在此一題材上,過去十五年來的研究不算少數,有以民間秘密宗教總論、各教門專述、宗教教義與思想信仰、寶卷研究、官方查禁與教派起事以及各類專門主題研究等,研究成果豐碩。本文即以清代民間秘密宗教的中文論著為對象,分為「研究回顧與專書評介」、「民間秘密宗教綜述」、「民間秘密宗教教派專述」、「教派起事與官方查禁」、「經卷、小說與思想信仰」以及「民間秘密宗教各類專門主題研究」等共六方面進行回顧與討論,期待能呈現近十五年來清代民間秘密宗教的研究趨勢。In China, during the time of Qing Dynasty, folk secret religious sects prevailed all over the local society. The folk secret religious sects existed in the early stage of Qing Dynasty were mainly the successors of their ancestors in the late stage of Ming Dynasty. After that, folk secret religious sects spread all over China along with more frequent activities and incidents. A huge number of new sects appeared, and governmental prohibitions of these religious sects had only made insignificant impacts to them. Except those folk secret religious sects that could be traced back to Ming Dynasty, there were many religious sects newly founded during the early stage of Qing Dynasty and the time of Qianlong Emperor (1736-1795). As a result, by the time between Jiaqing Emperor (1796-1820) and Daoguang Emperor (1821-1850), practices and activities of folk secret religious sects were so active that there were even a few massive folk secret religious sect rebellion incidents. Besides, other small sects preached and became prosperous among the grassroots society. Folk secret religious sects were still active by the time of the late stage of Qing Dynasty. It is able to say that the development of folk secret religious sects had passed through the whole grassroots society of the entire Qing Dynasty. Thus, folk secret religious sects become one of the essential parts of the study of Qing Dynasty’s local society. At this topic, there were plenty fruitful researches in the last two decades, including general introductions of folk secret religious sects, elaborations of different sects, studies of doctrines and believes of them, studies of classical literatures, sect rebellion incidents and governmental prohibitions, and the others. This article reviews the Chinese literatures on Qing Dynasty’s folk secret religious sects in the last 15 years. The discussions are distributed into six chapters, namely: Researches and Books Review, General Introduction of Folk Secret Religious Sects, El清代民間秘密宗教隱文化研究回顧Qing Dynastyfolk secret religious sectssubculture近十五年來(2000-2015)清代民間秘密宗教研究的回顧Reviews and Discussions of Researches on Folk Secret Religious Sects in Qing Dynasty from 2000 to 2015