康台生邱夢偉Meng Wei Chiu2019-09-052004-8-12019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H0632013%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102976摘要 一般幽默漫畫的表現形式,大致是分單格、四格、連環或無分格連環四種表現格式,區分這表現形式的就是漫畫版面中的「分格」,而分格肩負著劇情發展的邏輯與時間,而這種類似電影運鏡的分格,是漫畫不同於其他繪畫藝術的最大差別,而本研究創作是結合單格、四格、連環多格及連環無格漫畫形式之綜合型來作創作,也就是要把決定漫畫及最重要的因素「分格」拿掉,又要把漫畫的劇情節奏表現出來,因而創作出以單格漫畫形式的「長」篇單格漫畫,它劇情是長篇故事,卻用單格漫畫形式呈現,且要簡單一目了然的表現出一個有連續劇情的單格漫畫,又把原童話故事的精髓意義在同個畫框裡呈現出來,讀者不會在此畫面中覺得表現時間概念的「分格」沒有存在,而會說不清故事情節及時序,讓單格漫畫也能呈現出四格漫畫或連環多格漫畫一樣的效「笑」果。劇情則是以男女老幼都耳熟能詳的西洋童話故事為主,是為了讓觀賞者容易瞭解本研究創作跟以往漫畫表現形式的不同性,因為有以往的記憶可作比較。 傳統童話內容一直給我們美好結局的印象,因此筆者嘗試改編傳統童話情節而美術圖像也改用中國式山水畫風格,觀賞者可從另一種角度、畫風來觀賞這些童話故事,讓它不再是童話故事而已,而是一幅幅充滿中國味現實主義的西洋童話寫真,而作品閱讀方式,則是以〈捲軸式呈現〉或〈摺頁式呈現〉。abstract In general, there are four forms to express humorous comics. Which are single-format, four-formats, serial-formats and non-format. Formation means to divide each comic plate that follows with an episode’s logic and time sequence. Similar to a cinematic shot, formation of comics is the major difference from fine art’s skills. The purpose of this study is to compile the four forms of comics’ formats, while also showing the tempo of a single episode. Despite of a lengthy plot, single format will simply express serial episodes yet make original fairy tale’s true meaning show within a single frame. The viewers would ignore the formation does not exist, yet realizes the form and logical sequence. Single format has the same effect of humorous comics. The plot will mainly focus on traditional western fairy tales familiar everyone, allowing viewers to easily understand the study and creation’s differences from other old forms of comics. Traditional fairy tales always give us an impression of happy endings, therefore, adaptation of traditional fairy tales in the style of scenery in Chinese brush painting will enable the viewers to appreciate from particular angles and change the perception of fairy tales. The turn out would be Chinese realistic fairy tales rooted from western culture, somehow viewed in the style of hand scrolls.幽默漫畫漫畫表現形式童話humorous comiccomic expressional formsfairy tale幽默漫畫表現形式之創作研究-以幽默漫畫為例A creative study on forms of comic expressions -an example of humorous comics