陳學志Cheng, Hsueh-Chih楊幸甄Yang, Hsung-Chen2024-12-172024-07-092024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/328e1d96b44c72486a5a3e07c842cb1e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122392本研究主要在探究教學現場上所面臨中途學校學生學習成效不佳及英語學習動機低落等實際問題,為解決學生學習困難點,採行動研究法來實施研究,藉由課室內的全英語教學和課室外的海外服務學習,探究學生英語聽力與口說能力之成效、學生英語學習動機之影響和創造力提升之情形,並找出適合中途學校學生的創新課程方案。本研究對象為中途學校學生,全校共14人,每堂以高中部一班跟國中部合併班一班,共2班8堂課,以質量兼具的方式收集資料,研究期程為非連續性,總期程大約四個月。研究結果發現:創新方案在學生英語學習表現上,英語口說能力有正向提升;此方案亦助於提升學生英語學習動機,尤其在學習情境層面上更為明顯;創造力則以創造性傾向特質有正向影響,以特質來看,冒險性和好奇性效果最為顯著,顯示此趟海外旅程的影響意義深遠,最後以整體教學歷程與學生回饋進行反思,得出創新方案對於中途學校學生的課程設計策略:全英語教學可結合多模態、多元化課程活動與遊戲、課程連結學生生活以及重視各班與個體差異性。將依據研究結果,探討創新方案的意義與價值,提出相關實務建議,以供其他具有相同性質或想發展特色課程之學校應用,亦做未來研究參考使用。The purpose of this study is to explore the practical teaching problems, such as poor learning effectiveness and lack of English learning motivation among transition school students. To solve students' learning difficulties, action research method was adopted to find out comprehensive suitable innovative program. Through English-only instruction and overseas service learning to explore the improvement of students' English listening and speaking ability, students' learning motivation and creativity. The subjects of this study are transition school students with 14 students in total. There are one class in the high school and one mixed-age class in the junior high school every week, with a total of 8 classes, data are collected in a qualitative and quantitative way, the research period is non-continuous, total duration is about four months. The research results found that: the innovative program had a positive improvement in students' English-speaking ability; this program also improved students' English learning motivation, especially at the learning situation; and there was a positive impact on creative tendencies, the most significant effects were adventurousness and curiosity, which showed that the impact of this overseas trip is far-reaching. Finally, based on reflection on the overall teaching process and students' feedback, innovative program could include: multimodality on English-only instruction, diversified curriculum activities and games, curriculum-connection with students' lives, and take diversity seriously. Based on the research results, the relevant practical suggestions will be put forward for application by other schools with the same character or who want to develop special courses, and as a reference for future research.中途學校全英語教學海外服務學習英語聽說能力學習動機創造力transition schoolEnglish-only instructionoverseas service learningEnglish listening and speaking abilitylearning motivationcreativity全英語教學暨海外服務學習創新方案提升中途學校學生英語聽說能力、學習動機與創造力之行動研究Action Research on English-only Instruction& Overseas Service Learning's Innovative Program to Improve Transition School Students' English Listening & Speaking Ability, Learning Motivation, and Creativity學術論文