沈慶盈Shen, Ching-Ying劉孟萱Liu, Meng-Hsuan2023-12-082023-02-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c481eba351d9d03bf394e659bbfa5579/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118986本研究主要探討不同背景變項的居家服務督導員,其個人-工作適配與情緒勞務對離職傾向的影響。過去的研究顯示個人-工作適配程度與離職傾向間具有相關性、情緒勞務亦是影響離職傾向的重要因素,然而三者間彼此交互作用後,其相關性是否因此發生變化、預測力是否因此改變皆尚未確知。因此本研究依此假設,居服督導的情緒勞務、個人工作適配對離職傾向具有顯著影響。透過問卷發放,一共回收237份問卷。經分析後,研究結果顯示男性、薪資四萬以下、有離職經驗的居督,離職行動較強;居督情緒勞務與離職傾向不具有顯著關係;個人-工作適配構面中基本需求與自尊隸屬對離職想法具顯著影響、對離職行動則不具顯著影響;而自我實現與具備能力對於離職想法不具顯著影響、對離職行動則具顯著影響。本研究透過對人口背景變項、情緒勞務、個人-工作適配的調查,更為了解影響居督離職想法與離職行動上的差異,供有關單位降低居督的離職傾向參考。This study focused primarily on the impact of personal-job fit and emotional labor on the turnover intention among home care services supervisors with various background factors. Past research has demonstrated a correlation between personal-job fit and intention to leave, and emotional labor is also a significant factor influencing intention to leave. However, it is still unknown if the correlation between the three variables interacts with one another and if the predictive power would be changed as a result. Therefore, this study predicted that home care services supervisors' emotional labor and personal-job fit have a substantial impact on their intention to leave. 237 questionnaires were obtained through the distribution of questionnaires. The research findings have indicated that home care services supervisors who are male, have a salary of less than NTD 40,000, or have resigning experience have stronger resignation actions. There is no significant correlation between emotional labor and intention to leave among home care services supervisors. In the personal-job fit construct, basic necessities and self-esteem affiliation have a substantial impact on the intention to quit a job, but not on the actual act of quitting. Self-fulfillment and competence do not have a substantial impact on the intention to quit a job, but they do have a significant impact on the actual act of quitting. This study explored the demographic background variables, emotional labor, and personal-job fit to better understand the variations in the perceptions and behaviors of quitting the job, which can be used to lower the turnover tendency of home care services supervisors.居家服務督導員個人-工作適配情緒勞務離職傾向home care supervisorspersonal-job fitemotional laborturnover intention居家服務督導員個人-工作適配、情緒勞務對離職傾向研究Research on Person-Job Fit and Emotional Labor on Turnover Intention among Home Care Supervisorsetd