范燕秋Yen-Chiou Fan2019-08-122019-08-122015-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/806701960年代中期,樂生院與美國海軍第二醫學研究所合作執行一項醫療研究,為住院患者施行實驗性醫療注射。但實驗醫療執行半年之後,受試者出現身體各種副作用,造成嚴重的身體創傷。1966年7月,受試者在無法承受痛苦的情況下,發起集體請願、抗議,經院方採取各種安撫措施,才壓制患者集體的抗爭行動。本文探討此一醫療實驗事件的原委,採取以患者為中心的研究取向,首先分析該事件發生的背景因素,以及患者集體抗爭的意義及影響。其次,就晚近樂生院保留運動,分析院民如何將該事件轉化為其運動抗爭的資本。In the mid-1960s, the Lo-Sheng Leprosarium of Taiwan carried out a medical project in cooperation with U. S. Naval Medical Research Unit No.2 (NAMRU-2). The experiment consisted of medical injection given to patients. Six months after the execution of the said medical experiment, the patients who were given the injection began reporting side effects, including nerve pain and psychological trauma. These conditions intensified and serious medical disputes ensued. In July 1966, the subjects could no longer withstand the pain and began launching a petition in protest against the experiment. The hospital took measures to appease the patients and the dispute was temporarily suspended. For this event of medical experiment, this paper adopts patientcentered approach, to analyze the background factors of the event, and the significance and impact of patient collective struggle at first. Regarding the recent preservation movement for Lo-Sheng, this paper analyzes secondly how the event was converted to protest capital by leprosy suffers.樂生院美國海軍第二醫學研究所醫療實驗事件創傷1960年代臺灣Lo-Sheng LeprosariumU. S. Naval Medical Research Unit No.2 (NAMRU-2)Medical Experimental EventTraumain the 1960s’ Taiwan1960 年代樂生院醫療實驗事件、創傷與病患抗爭史The Medical Experimental Event in the 1960s’ Lo-Sheng Leprosarium: Trauma and History of Struggle by Leprosy Suffers