賴建都連瓊芬2019-09-052004-8-272019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000270%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103525隨著全球化與科技化兩股風潮的湧動,21世紀的新經濟型態已轉變為以創新為主之知識經濟型態,而「文化創意產業」也就在此時空背景下因應而生。尤其是在2002年行政院於「挑戰二○○八:國家發展重點計畫」中提出政府的十項發展計畫,首次將「文化創意產業」列為重要項目後,更加明確指引出我國未來經濟型態發展的重要走向。 在國家政策的推行之下,全國各地皆積極找尋具有地方文化特色之產業。苗栗的陶瓷窯爐產業之源流與發展,極具歷史文化、藝術人文、休閒觀光之價值,相當具有開發潛力。包含了豐富的窯爐種類、傳統工藝品、現代柴燒藝術…等,極具文化與藝術之價值。但是單打獨鬥的時代已經過去了,唯有整合所有資源與力量,形成一個完整的產業鏈,並且建立一個共同品牌,規劃整體之視覺形象,再配合行銷推廣策略,才能使傳統產業成功轉型為文化創意產業。 本研究方法採用質化研究,以個案研究法、田野調查、口述歷史與深度訪談法進行探討。期望能從「社區總體營造」、「文化創意產業」的政策中,尋找出推廣苗栗窯業的有利條件,再藉由田野調查與深度訪談,以了解地方產業之現況與特色,最後規劃出一系列的品牌形象之視覺系統。 本研究以「苗栗窯」作為品牌名稱,以區別一般人對「鶯歌陶瓷」之根深蒂固印象。「窯爐」乃孕育「陶、瓷、磚」之母,因此本研究試圖強調其歷史性與文化性,在視覺識別(VI)形象的規劃上特以「自然、人文、感性」為訴求,將其文化、特色整合,轉化為視覺符號,為傳統產業賦予「精緻化、藝術化、生活化」之新生命。 在研究與創作過程中發現,窯廠經營者對建立共同品牌有相當濃厚的意願,對於視覺形象設計也充滿期待,並希冀能從政府的「文化創意產業計畫」中得到有利的掖助,藉由輔導及補助措施、經營資金的融通等,營造國內工藝發展的良好環境及條件,讓台灣文化創意產業能永續發展。 研究提出三點建議:(一)建立苗栗窯之共同品牌,整合各項資源,建立多元化行銷通路。(二)將苗栗窯業的發展源流,編入鄉土教學之教材,以達教育推廣之目標。(三)設立窯業博物館,成立全國窯業資訊研究中心。The study is conducted by qualitative research methodology, using case study, field research, oral history and depth interview skills to collect research data. The author intends to find Miao-Li Kiln brand's opportunities from the current "culture creativity industry" and "Community improvement construction" policies. In order to survey Miao-Li kiln industry, the author uses field research and interviews several practitioners to propose a series of brand identity visual system. The study uses "Miao-Li kiln" as brand name, which identifies its difference from "Yin-Gou pottery". "Kiln" is the place where makes pottery, china, and brick. The author tries to emphasize "Miao-Li kiln" from the perspectives of its culture and historical value. In the brand visual system, -'nature", -'humanity", and "emotion" are added, and district culture, value are also integrated. Finally, all these elements are transferring into a visual system, to represent the idea of elegant and bring a new life for local industry. During the period of research, the author finds that the owners of kiln are very interested in this brand and show highly expectation upon the visual system. They are looking forward to gaining assistance from government's "culture creativity industry plan". From the government's financial help and kiln industry promotion plan, the handy craft industry can be created, thus makes Taiwan's culture creativity industry further improvement. At the end the author suggests:1. Builds a new brand for Miao-Li kiln industry and integrates all the resources of marketing channels.2.Adopts Miao-Li kiln industry's movement into local culture class materials of elementary education.3.Construct a museum for kiln industry and a research center for kiln industry.文化創意產業社區總體營造苗栗窯品牌識別整合行銷傳播Culture creativity industryCommunity improvement constructionMiao-Li kilnBrand identityIntegrated marketing communication文化創意產業品牌形象之視覺設計與應用研究以苗栗窯業為例The Study on the Cultural Creativity Industry's Brand Image Visual Design and Application Miao-Li kiln