國立臺灣師範大學體育學系劉宇陳重佑莊榮仁黃長福2016-08-042016-08-041998-12-011024-7297http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79306本研究的目的在於探討主動與被動的關節力矩對運動的影響及其協同作用效果, 從運動生物力學的角度研究國術騰空飛腳動作的運動控制機轉。研究的受試對象為熟練掌握 騰空飛腳動作之國術運動員 5 名。 根據肢段間互動的動力學分析結果,我們獲得如下幾點 結論:一、支撐階段初期:膝關節屈肌,髖關節伸肌在起主要作用;中期:伸髖、伸膝、伸 踝關節肌肉在起主要作用,而在末期,踝關節伸肌在起主要作用。國術騰空飛腳選手,其膝 關節屈肌肌力必須具備其伸肌肌力的 80%。二、飛行階段,主動的肌肉力矩,主要被用來抵 抗平衡由於運動而產生的肢段間互動力矩。這種主動與被動力矩的對抗平衡作用發生在上擺 與下擺的轉換期,即在飛腳達到最高點前最大。順勢下擺時,肌肉力矩被用來平衡重力矩的 作用。The purpose of this study was to analyze how active and passive torques influence limb motion and to investigate, from a biomechanical point of view, the motor control mechanisms of the "Jump-slap-kick" in Chinese Martial Arts. Five well-trained Chinese Martial Arts players performed the "Jump-Slap-Kick". The Intersegmental dynamics analyses revealed that: 1.The dominant torques at the beginning of the support phase are created by knee flexor and hip extensor; at the middle of the support phase by plantar flexor, knee extensor and hip extensor; at the end of the support phase by the plantar flexor. 2.During the flight phase, the active muscle torque functions mainly to counteract the motion-dependent torque created by the mechanical interactions between limb segments. As the flight foot reversals from swing-up to swing-down, this counteraction reaches its maximum and is followed by a counteraction between muscle torque and gravitational torque.國術騰空飛腳肢段間互動動力學運動控制協調Chinese martial artsJump-slap-kickIntersegment dynamicsMotor controlCoordination國術騰空飛腳動作運動控制與協調系列研究(2)A Serial of Study of Movement Control and Coordination during Jump-Slap-Kick in Chinese Martial Arts(2)關節控制力矩及其協同作用效果的肢段間互動動力學研究Intersegmental Dynamics Analysis