張正芬教授謝易芬2019-08-282003-9-192019-08-282004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069009019%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91329摘 要 本研究是以兩位高功能自閉症者為研究主要參與者(一為國三女生黑皮女、一為高二男生心陽),採用質性研究方法,經由探求高功能自閉症者自我概念的過程,更深入瞭解高功能自閉症者,並一窺他們豐富且真實的內在世界。 在本研究中,我邀請高功能自閉症者從不同情境、不同角色來談談自己是個什麼樣的人,再由他們的陳述更深入地討論其情緒狀態、行為動機、個人價值觀等,並訪談家長、老師、同學以佐證或蒐集更多訊息,最後得到高功能自閉症者的整體自我概念。 根據研究資料,可從四個向度來看高功能自閉症者的自我概念。首先,在整體自我概念上,二位高功能自閉症者的自我概念大異其趣;黑皮女較少主動發言,表現於外的情緒與行為較為簡單、直接,且其各個自我概念次領域之間是較為獨立、關連性較小的;而心陽樂於談論自己,大量訊息中可見到內外一致的表現,其自我概念次領域間是交互影響大且彼此牽連的。 再採縱貫、橫向兩結構細切高功能自閉症者的自我概念,呈現結果亦不相同,黑皮女表現出圍繞著「身體我」、各領域切割獨立的自我概念,心陽則為逐漸發展至「人格我」、領域間相互影響的自我概念。 接著從家庭、學校兩情境看高功能自閉症者的自我概念。家人關係的親疏、家人對「自閉症」標籤的看法都將影響高功能自閉症者的自我概念,尤其影響情緒自我概念與對自己的看法。在學校場域中,師長、同學接納與否的態度除了和高功能自閉症者的自我形象認知有關,更關係著其同儕自我概念是否能順利發展;此外,高功能自閉症者的特殊專長則會因個人特質、表現方式而有被尊重與被敵視的兩種結果。 最後,以不同觀點看高功能自閉症者的自我概念發展。因年齡、天生能力不同使得兩位高功能自閉症者分處兒童中期以前與青少年早、中期的自我概念發展階段,且兩人同樣因較缺乏反應自觀能力而令自己或他人感到困擾。至於自閉症特質對其自我概念發展的影響,社會互動之質量不佳致使高功能自閉症者的同儕自我概念發展受到阻礙,進而影響情緒自我概念的表現;語言溝通方面,若高功能自閉症者的表達方式和陳述內容明顯特別,不僅會影響同儕我概念,也提高本研究的難度;行為問題雖多起源於缺乏社會互動及語言溝通能力,但也影響社會、情緒自我概念的發展。An Exploratory Study About The Self-concept of High-functioning Autism Yih-Fen Shieh National Taiwan Normal University Abstract The purpose of this qualitative research was to understand the self-concept of two high-functioning autistic adolescent students (one junior high school student Happy-girl and the other senior high school student Shin-Young). I tried to find out the truth of participants’ self-concept and explore their rich inside world by interviewing them and their significant others. In this study, two high-functioning autisms were asked to talk about themselves in different dimensions, by which we would understand their emotion, motivation, and value, etc. Then I interviewed their family, teachers, and classmates for confirming and collecting more data. Eventually I found out the general self-concept of high-functioning autisms. Based on data, we could obtain the self-concept of high-functioning autism from four aspects. First, two participants had different self-concepts in general. Happy-girl seldom talked about herself, and her emotion and behavior presented simply and directly. Shin-Young gave me lots of information about himself, and his behaviors performed consistently with his inner thought. Second, according to vertical and horizontal structures, Happy-girl’s self-concept maintained at “body image” stage and the sub-domains were independent. And Shin-Young’s was going to “self-identity” stage and the sub-domains were influenced with each other. Third, I tried to find the self-concept of two participants from two contexts. The relationship in family and the opinion of how they labeled the “autism” would influence their self-concept, especially the emotional self-concept. At school, their self-image and peer self-concept were related to their special performance and whether teachers and schoolmates accepted them or not. Finally, we would discuss the development of high-functioning autism’s self-concept. The different cognitive ability between two participants made them develop to different stage, and they were both disturbed by lacking of reflexibility. As autistic characteristics, poor social interaction was a barrier to developing their peer and emotional self-concept. Not only the behavior problems influenced their development of social and emotional self-concept but also the different communicative styles affected their peer self-concept and then increased the difficulty of this study. Key words: high-functioning autism, self-concept, qualitative research methods高功能自閉症者自我概念質性研究高功能自閉症者自我概念之探索研究