林昱宏劉懿慧張宏哲Yu-Hung Lin, Yi-Hui Liu, Hong-Jer Chang2019-08-122019-08-122015-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80503護理之家屬於長期照護服務機構的一種類型,若為醫院附設型態,實務上醫院志工較少主動選擇前往定期服務。本研究運用計劃行為理論,探討醫院志工定期至護理之家志願服務行為意向,採立意取樣方式,以臺灣選取6家有附設護理之家的醫院其志工為樣本,共發送600份問卷,有效問卷為447份,有效回收率為74.5%。採結構方程模式分析資料發現,醫院志工的態度(學習技巧、預知老年、學習服務、見到人生、聯想照護)、主觀規範(護家同仁、家人朋友、志工夥伴),以及知覺行為控制(服務技巧、獲成就感、處理情緒),皆正向顯著影響定期至護理之家志願服務的行為意向(容易度、願意度、可能性),此結果符合計劃行為理論架構。另外,此三項影響行為意向的因素中,以主觀規範的影響程度最高,顯示重要他人的意見對醫院志工的行為意向影響甚大,建議護理之家在招募志工除通報醫院社工室外,另也可直接向已在醫院服務的志工訴求協助,或是社工室在舉辦相關志工在職教育等活動時,派員向醫院志工說明服務內容,將更有助於增加志工的主觀信念,提升醫院志工到護理之家定期服務的行為意向。Nursing homes are one type of long-term care organizations. Volunteers may be unwilling to serve regularly in nursing homes affiliated with hospitals. In this study, we used the planned behavior theory to investigate the intention of hospital volunteers to regularly serve in nursing homes. We performed a purposive sampling of volunteers in the nursing homes affiliated with six hospitals in Taiwan. The total number of questionnaires delivered was 600, and 447 valid questionnaires with an effective response rate of 74.5%. According to the results from a structured equation model, the hospital volunteer’s attitude (e.g., learning techniques, foreknowledge, learning services, and perceptions regarding life and care), subjective norm (e.g., number of nursing homes, family and friends, and other volunteers), and the perceived behavioral control (e.g., skill shortage, sense of accomplishment, and treatment mood), all revealed a positive intention (e.g., easiness, willingness, and possibility). The results conformed to the theoretical framework of planned behavior theory. Moreover, among the three dimensions influencing behavior intention, the subjective norm played the most important role thereby indicating the importance of significant others. Our study suggested that nursing homes would be able to recruit volunteers, not only through the office of social workers, but also by asking for help from the hospital’s volunteers. Furthermore, nursing homes could hold orientation seminars to describe the contents of their services to the volunteers when they participated in the on-the-job training programs held by the office of the social workers. Such activities may enhance the beliefs of the volunteers, and by doing so, increase their behavior intentions to provide regular services in the nursing homes.計劃行為理論護理之家醫院志工行為意向theory of planned behaviornursing homeintention of hospital volunteers應用計劃行為理論探討醫院志工定期至護理之家從事志願服務之行為意向The Intention of Hospital Volunteers to Serve in Nursing Homes: An Application of the Planned Behavior Theory