詹德基Chan Te-chi吳長展Wu Chang-chan2019-09-052005-6-302019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069230017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104826摘 要 中國對於績優運動員、教練與運動團隊的獎勵制度,早期是以精神獎勵制度為主體,在改革開放以後,為了激勵運動員創造更優異的成績,開始採用精神獎勵與物質獎勵相結合的原則。巴塞隆納奧運後,中國的重獎制度引起了國際的矚目,對於優秀運動員的生涯規劃輔導制度也不斷制定、完善,2008年北京奧運在即,中國對於優秀運動員的獎勵勢必達到另一波高潮。 本研究是從1949年中共建立政權到2004年底止,以中國優秀運動員的各種獎勵制度,包括精神獎勵、物質獎勵及生涯規劃輔導制度等為研究對象,以內容分析方法為主,針對中國及台灣地區有關運動員獎勵的政策、法令、專書、原始文件及相關論文等,經過整理、分析、考證、詮釋、理解與評判的步驟,得到以下的結論: 一、中國體育獎勵制度的形成與發展,受其國內政治、社會及經濟發展的因素影響,並順應國際體育潮流發展。 二、中國由於企業贊助的興起,不僅穩定了運動隊伍,更促進了運動水平的提高。 三、中國現今對優秀運動員的獎勵可謂相當優渥,對於留住體育人才,及長期的體育發展起到了一定的作用。 四、獎勵制度有助於運動員奮發向上,但過度物質性獎勵則會造成負面作用。 五、中國運動員在退役後安置上還存在著消極等待政府安排,以及對安排工作不滿意等問題。 六、由政策、社會及運動員本身各方面來看,中國目前仍無法確保所有優秀運動員退役後之出路。 七、中國運動員的社會保障問題,影響了競技運動的發展;而運動員保險制度雖經過不斷制定、修正,但仍有許多問題尚待解決。ABSTRACT In previous China, the rewarding policy of accomplished athletes, coaches and teams was mainly immaterial. To encourage athletes having better achievement, the government has started to follow both spiritual and corporal rewarding principals after the reform and openness. After Barcelona Olympics, the rewarding system of China has got the international attraction. Besides, the counseling program of the lives of athletes has also been gradually improved and fulfilled. As the coming of Beijing Olympics in 2008, China will certainly accomplish their rewarding policy. The research covers the time span from the establishment of the regime of the PRC in 1949 to the end of the year 2004; and focuses on the rewarding policy of elite athletes, including spiritual rewards,material rewards and career planning and counseling. The research adopted content analysis. After the policies, laws, specific books and documents concerned with the project in China and Taiwan are analyzed, sorted, verified, and discussed, here comes out the conclusion: A、The formation and development of Chinese elite athletes rewarding policy are influenced by matriarchy、society、economics, and adapted international sports twigs. B、Account for corporate Sponsorship come up in china, which not only stabilizes sport teams, but also accelerates the standard of exercise. C、The current plentiful rewards for the achieved athletes in China have already affected the stability of athletes and long-term athletic development. D、Even if the rewarding policy has certainly encouraged athletes to be aspirant, over rewarding may cause the negative results. E、After getting retired, those athletes would only be passively waiting for arrangements from the government. The problems of non-satisfied with their jobs might come out after all. F、In the concept of policy itself, society and athletes, China still can’t assure the retiring lives of achieved athletes. G、The problems of athletic social guaranty affect the Chinese sports development. The sport insurance has already been gradually corrected, though, there are still many problems needed to be solved.獎勵制度物質獎勵精神獎勵Rewarding PolicyMaterial RewardsSpiritual Rewards中國優秀運動員獎勵制度之研究A Study on the Rewarding Policy for Elite Athletes in China