游宗輝黃毅志Tsung-Hui YuYih-Jyh Hwang2019-08-122019-08-122016-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80792由於原住民樣本不足,過去研究很少針對全臺灣原住民之心理健康與居住地之關連性進行量化分析;本研究運用2007 年「臺灣原住民社會變遷及政策評估研究問卷調查之抽樣與執行」之原住民樣本資料(N = 2057),探討原住民居住地透過中介變項教育、職業、收入與社會支持對心理健康的影響。研究發現顯示:在平均教育、職業及收入上,原鄉明顯低於都市,但進一步地控制個人背景變項後,原鄉與都市間教育的差距消失了,反而更顯現出原本職業地位就最高的平地鄉鎮職業之優勢。至於中介變項對心理健康之影響,除了教育對心理健康有不小的顯著正影響外,職業、收入與社會支持影響都不顯著。在原住民心理健康表現上,三個居住地的原住民無顯著差異。Due to small sample sizes, previous studies on indigenous people in Taiwan seldom conducted quantitative analyses to describe the relationship between residence region and mental health of indigenous peoples in Taiwan. This study used the sample data of indigenous people (N = 2057) of “Sampling and Implementation of Questionnaire Survey on Social Changes and Policy Assessment of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan” in 2007 to investigate the influence of residences of indigenous peoples on their mental health through intervening variables of education, occupation, income, and social support. This study found indigenous people in townships had a lower educational level, occupation status, and income than those in urban areas. However, when individual background variables were controlled, the education gap between townships and urban area disappeared, and the occupations that were advantageous in plain townships became more remarkable. While education had a highly significant positive influence on mental health, the influence of occupation, income, and social support on mental health were insignificant. Moreover, there was no significant difference in mental health among indigenous people in the three residence areas.心理健康居住地原住民教育mental healthresidenceindigenous peopleseducation臺灣原住民居住地透過教育、職業、收入與社會支持對心理健康之影響Influence of Residence Regions of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan on their Mental Health through Education, Occupation, Income, and Social Support