葛璇華2014-10-272014-10-272007-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15937為了解智障者家長現階段的自我概念,探究其自我成長歷程與內涵,發掘智為者長之自我效能,以提供智障者家長、準備為人父母者及社會人士參考,本研究乃參照White(1999)成年期的五個成長指標,請高雄地區43所機構、學校徵求30位受試者進行心理測驗,並選取7名受訪者進行質化研究,實際了解其自我成長與自我效能之表現。研究發現: 一、智障者家長有四成屬於正向的自我概念,六成在一般正常區域內。二、其自我成長歷程分為:錯愕期、療育期、適應期、協滿力期和規劃期;在療育期和規劃期投注的心思和努力最多。三、對智障者家長而言,口頭說明並不是軟弱或暫時的,而是有助其自我效能之發揮。The purpose of this study was to understand the present self-concept, and self-efficacy of parents of students with mental retardation. Twenty-six organizations and seventeen schools in Kaohsiung City were asked to recommend 30 suitable participants, according to the tendencies for change during adulthood (White, 1999), to join in this study. Tennessee Self-concept Scale (TSCS:2A) was brought into play to find out 30 participants’ self-concept, and 7 participants were selected by random for the final qualitative research. The results were: (1) 40% of the parents had positive self-concept, and the other 60% had normal self-concept. The PER, MOR, FAM and SOC of the whole group were high, while the ACA was slightly low, and the self-concept was acceptable, either positive or normal. (2) The process of self-growth of the seen participants selected for the final qualitative research could be divided into 5 stages. (3) The self-efficacy of the seven parents corresponded with the theory of Bandura (1977, 1995), except that verbal persuasion of these subjects was helpful in enhancing their self-efficacy, rather than weak and shortlived.智能障礙智障者家長自我概念自我成長自我效能Mental retardationParentSelf-conceptSelf-growthSelf-efficacy智障者家長之自我概念及其自我成長歷程與自我效能之研究A Study of Self-Concept, Self-Growth and Self-Efficacy of Parents of Students with Mental Retardation